The following amazing article was written by the Health Ranger a few years back. It's so important, even when dealing with nutrition, that we here at Biotech blog thought you'd love to read it and live it! I get this question all the time from readers: How can we know whom to believe? Who's really telling the truth? Which person should I support for political office at the next election? What if I told you there is an incredibly simple way to tell not only who's good and who's bad, but also how to tell who is pushing absolute evil onto our world ? This method is remarkably accurate, and you can use it right now to assess almost anyone. It all starts with understanding the spectrum of control vs. empowerment . Imagine a 10-foot string stretched out on the ground. On the far left side of the string, there is a point we'll call "Control." On the far right side of the string, another point is called "Empowerment." Let's start ...
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