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Showing posts from March 3, 2013

What's the Chlorella Factor? Will it save you or destroy you? The Health Ranger knows

What you are about to read is 100% true to the best of my knowledge, and it all started in September of 2012 when Natural News and the Health Ranger were in the process of launching the Natural News Store and receiving organic certification from the USDA.  Cleanest sources for chlorella revealed: Natural News publishes metals contamination test results for world's most famous superfood   Natural News publishes metals contamination test results for world's most famous superfood   Could someone go from Superfood to Super Toxic Food in one bad choice? Natural News bloggers are all over this one. This is the Health Ranger’s thorough Chlorella contamination list. Mike Adams says yes; some superfood, more precisely the world’s most popular superfood, may be contaminated, and do the opposite to your body than your desired goal! That’s why you must know what you’re buying when it comes to Superfoods: ...

Organic foods — The solution for the only acceptable future of food

  The global population is on a steady increase and as a result, there is   ever escalating pressure on the food production and distribution industry. Moreover, products supplied by the multinational food and beverage companies are nothing but reliable chemical agents for making people sick. Natural News opines that only organic farming holds the key to having an abundant supply of healthy food in the future. Home-grown vegetables can prove to be an important contributor to the nationwide production of vegetables. During both world wars, U.S. citizens were encouraged to grow their own food in Victory Gardens in order to reduce the burden on the food industry. By the end of World War II, it was seen that Victory Gardens produced almost 40 percent of the total food supply in America during the years of war. The complete news article about the production of organic foods is posted at

The food industry continues to wage a war on the consumer’s body

    Sales by the fast food industry are at an all-time high. Many people consider the meals offered by the food chains to be healthy and therefore, can be taken as a staple diet. But Natural News reports a completely different story. It is now being revealed that these food stores use certain ingredients that can be harmful to the body. These ingredients include preservatives, emulsifiers, artificial flavors, trans fats, artificial colors and most importantly, Monosodium Glutamate or MSG. All of these substances are known to be highly dangerous to the human body in the long run.   The war on the human body does not stop here. It is now being reported that the McRib sandwich offered by McDonald’s contains ingredients like polycarbonate 80, ammonium sulfate and azodicarbonamide. There are almost 70 more similar chemicals in the sandwich and each one of them more or less re...

GMO Meat import from U.S. refused by Russia, synthetic vitamins wreak havoc on human health

    The growing concern about the meat industry in the U.S. is being fueled more with Russia refusing to import any more meat product from America . Natural News reports that the main reason behind this Russian refusal is the prevalence of ractopamine in U.S. meat products. The U.S. exports over $500 million of pork and beef to Russia every year. With this sudden decision from Russia , the meat industry in America has been totally taken aback, though the trade authorities in the U.S. are claiming that ractopamine is absolutely safe and are accusing Russia of politicizing the whole affair.   Ractopamine is generally fed to animals in order to induce growth in them so that they can reach productive age fast. As a matter of fact, most of the pigs in the U.S. are fed ractopamine though this particular drug is banned in China , India and all of the European Union nations. It is well known for its ill effects on pigs that sometimes even die due to...

Monsanto signs the UN Agenda 21 while grip against GMOs tightens

Bush's third term is in effect: Natural News: "U.S. government can order killing of American citizens by secret drone strikes" GMO contamination of world's food supply continues, just as Bush would have had it had he been elected a 3rd time. Learn more:   The UN Agenda 21 has long been criticized for its designs of keeping people confined in small micro cities and completely depriving them of their property. But now this plan has found a new dimension as Monsanto has joined the agenda. Natural News reports that Monsanto, the biotech giant, has recently joined World Business Council for Sustainable Development in order to push further with the “Agenda 21.” Previously, oil companies, banks and other multinational corporations had expressed their thoughts in favor of this plan and now Monsanto, which is already infamous, has joined the cohort.  ...