Yes. They call cigarettes coffin tacks. They call 'em cowboy killers too. That's how the Marlboro Man died, ya' know. So, first off, here's a typical day in the life of a smoker : Wake up, smoke. Take two aspirin for the chronic recurring headache. Maybe a swig of some orange juice to wash it down. Shower. Head to work. Puff a cigarette on the way. Do what it is you must do to pay the bills, and take those cigarette breaks, that's one per hour for the pack-a-day'er and every half hour for the 2-pack-a-day'er, but most folks can't pull a smoke break every thirty minutes unless they run their own biz. Now, done with a hard day's work, are ya ... so head on by the store on the way home, grab a new pack-a-smokes, maybe a backup lighter and a honey bun, and head on back to the flat. Now, if you're a night owl, like many of us "kind," or you work at a bar, restaurant, movie theatre or hospital, you're probably gonna be up for a ...
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