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Showing posts from October 13, 2013

Latest developments in the field of curing Breast Cancer!

According to Natural News , the top 10 causes of breast cancer are the following: 1. Hormones in meats and milk 2. Mammograms, dental x-rays and airport TSA screening machines 3. Aluminum in antiperspirants and deodorants 4. Toxic makeup/cosmetics 5. GMO Soy and Corn 6. Artificial sweeteners 7. Fluoridated water 8. Pharmaceuticals 9. Food coloring agents and preservatives 10. Soaps, shampoos, toothpaste and lotions (including sun tan and sun block) For more information, log onto: Although there are different cancer treatments, we cannot overlook their side effects. However, recent studies have shown that the substance cannabidiol (CBD), found in marijuana, has the potential to be a game changer in the fight against cancer. In Seattle, medical marijuana is primarily prescribed to help terminally ill patients and those receiving painful medical treatment...

Hawaii’s Kaua’i wins huge victory over GMO with nearly unanimous city council vote!

  Even though they call Kaua’i “ground zero” because the mass use of chemicals for agriculture, there is some saving grace in the laws there now, and schools, surfers, farmers and gardeners have a new milestone achievement for limiting the GMO chem.fest that’s been going on for years there. It’s almost a reversal of how regulations usually go for Biotech, in that the people now have checks and balances on the “big guns” (Big Ag – like Monsanto, Dow, Bayer crop, Dupont) that pollute agriculture and the environment all around the mass spraying of pesticides and other toxins on crops and soil. In the way that politicians and biotech have recently put pressure on small organic farmers, now the tables have turned, and the restrictions are on the GMO “breeders” and “feeders” – the very corporations and companies that spread lies and try to payoff legislatures to do the “wrong” thing, and vote the other way. This is a huge victory for organic and sustainable living. It will affect...


  How can Obama and his cohorts best get ready for the Revolution? They stockpile their money and arm the DHS with hollow point bullets and automatic weapons. How can the Republicans hoard their wealth fast enough? - Keep the War going in the Middle East and Big Pharma in charge of cancer treatments and vaccine manufacturing. How are the banks “preparing” for the financial apocalypse? Stockpiling cash, but is it really for that MAD MAD ATM WITHDRAWAL RUSH, or it for the VPs to make their made dash to highland, non-city-land, to the timeshare condo in the Bahamas or the Mountains, maybe to Hawaii, that place that got “attacked” about 80 years back, cuz lightning never strikes the same place twice!   What does this all have to do with you and your life right now?   Natural News Breaking Story: A Must Read:   “Banks are stockpiling cash ahead of anticipated financial panic”   Learn more:

Mainstream media turns on Obamacare!

The Liberals are suddenly screaming mad about rate shock and the disaster Learn more: computer code fails to function You may hear a few fake examples and testimonials that people are actually able to shop and lockdown coverage, but they’re all lies. You see, here is how the “circle of power” functions. 5 years ago, the Obama “cabinet” sat around a big “round” table (hence the name circle of power) and talked about how to enslave the country and make a fortune quickly doing it. The plan was three-fold, and started with GMO genetically modified food “organisms,” then phases into vaccines and flu shots, which in turn feeds the back end of the plan, symptom “cosmetics” healthcare, where you give people medicine that covers up (temporarily relieves symptoms of disease and disorder) but eventually makes people addicted to drugs. The end goal of the thr...

Health Basics series on Natural News takes off – Breast Cancer Awareness article going viral!

  Thousands of people are sharing articles this month, on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and especially through their own blogs. With breast cancer being so prominent in America , women and men alike are sharing the best articles that give you strategies for beating back this monster and winning the cancer war. One such popular method is the all natural approach to EVERYTHING you buy, including food, drinks, skin care, personal products, makeup, cosmetics, candy and gum and more. Thousands of shares went across the internet social sites this week, and Health Basics was a part of the spread of vital information that’s saving lives and preventing breast cancer. Revealing the TOP TEN causes of breast cancer is just what the masses needed to read, breaking down a bunch of myths and exposing what people do every day to warp their cells and breed the “c” word. It’s like a step by step plan to rid toxins from your daily intake and cut off the fuel of the enemy, which is carcinogenic, m...

The horrifying truth about the antibiotic issue

According to Natural News , the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not established enforceable guidelines for the appropriate use of antibiotics in livestock; the conventional meat industry continues to feed about 30 million pounds of these drugs annually to these animals. Recent figures released by the Pew Charitable Trusts reveal that the amount of antibiotics used in meat and poultry production now outpaces the amount used to treat sick people by a factor of five. An "infographic" recently put out by that non-profit public policy group illustrates a steady rise in animal antibiotic use since the early 2000s, despite near-steady usage rates in humans, which recently prompted the FDA to at least acknowledge the problem. "[W]hile human antibiotic use has leveled off at below 8 [million] pounds annually, livestock farms have been sucking in more and more of the drugs each year -- and consumption reached a record nearly 29.9 [million] pounds in 2011,...


  Take a good look at this now. When a criminal gets caught, say for raping someone or killing someone, the forensics step in and usually find evidence of a bunch of other rape victims or murder victims from the same criminal. They find a long rap sheet, years of crimes, from little stuff when they were in high school to major stuff they “got away with.” When you hear of criminals being tried for like 50 or 100 counts, it’s because they have SO MUCH dirt on them, there’s no way they can get off on a technicality or two. They are guilty across the board and it’s the end of the line. Prison time. Take a good look at some of the “terror” that has happened on U.S. soil in the past 12 years and be your own “lawyer” and your own “forensics” investigator. Use common sense here and be smart. Then think about Obamacare and all over again. Here we go: September 11, 2001 : War in Iraq based on false pretense: http:/...