Organic cheese and organic butter are quickly becoming more of rare finds in major supermarkets like Harris Teeter, Farm Fresh and Food Lion. Why? The cute little Harris Teeter organic section seemed impressive when they "built it out" some last year, but now there's a tricky mix in there, of "all natural" products that aren't organic or even natural at all, and other product labels that look like the certified organic label but aren't, like Simple Truth ... and other imposters. Eat the wrong kind of cheese and butter regularly and you're health is in a world of hurt. That's why the government used to dish out cheese and butter blocks to those on welfare. Kick'em while they're down, right? Wrong! Whatever happened to the Free Government Cheese Program? Do they call that "SNAP" now? There are only about 50 million Americans on SNAP. Grab that conventional meat (hormones), milk (hormones), soda , cheese (hormones), GM...
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