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Showing posts from June 8, 2014

Under-estimating cancer - An American phenomenon of detrimental proportions

  People in general are UNDER-ESTIMATING the power of processed, chemical-laden foods, chemical-laden drinks and chemical-laden personal care products to mutate their cells and give them cancer, early in life too.   Cancer survives ONLY in an acidic environment, meaning inside your body and blood and tissues. Cancer dies when your cells get oxygen and can breathe. What gives your cells oxygen? Kale and hemp seed oil, for starters. Organic spinach, organic chards and aloe. What deprives your cells of oxygen? Sodium benzoate, canola oil and GMO pesticide-laden corn, soy and sugar beets (MSG) choke your mitachondria and mutate your genes. Common chemicals in personal care products and cosmetics cause cancer, like phthalates, parabens, and sodium lauryl sulfate . There's lead in lipstick and arsenic in conventional chicken. There are hormones in milk and MSG in vaccines . Is it too overwhelming for you too keep up? You know what's TOO overwhelming - chemotherapy, radi...

….and you thought Eggs were safe? Read to know more!

According to Natural News , two owners of an Iowa egg producer pleaded guilty Tuesday to charges related to a massive Salmonella outbreak in 2010, the latest prosecution serving notice to the food industry that its leaders can be held criminally responsible for the products they sell. The outbreak sickened tens of thousands of people and forced the recall of 550 million eggs. Quality Egg agreed to pay a $6.8 million fine under terms of a plea agreement revealed in federal court in Sioux City , Iowa . The egg producer pleaded guilty to one count of bribery of a public official, one count of introducing a misbranded food into interstate commerce with intent to defraud and one count of introducing adulterated food into interstate commerce. Austin "Jack" DeCoster, 79, of Turner, Maine , and Peter DeCoster, 51, of Clarion, Iowa , each pleaded guilty to one count of introducing adulterated food into interstate commerce. "It's possible these guys could act...

Special Report: E-Cigs double quit success rate for smokers getting off cigarettes!

  E-Cigs were not invented to be stop smoking aids - but sometimes (60% of the time) they work! "So what," they say. So what if electronic cigarettes still contain some ingredient found in antifreeze, and maybe some artificial flavors or colors, so what! Ex-smokers are so happy to be off the horrible effects of commercial cigarettes, with all the side effects, the sicknesses, the asthma, the bronchitis, the sinusitis, the bad breath, bad teeth, lethargy, sleeplessness, erectile dysfunction, and the list goes on, and on and on. Smokers are dead tired most of the time, only getting things done during or right after a cigarette, but when the " chemical hangover " kicks in, they're left waiting anxiously and nervously for the next break to satisfy that "nic-fit" and quell their central nervous system imbalance.   So, though e-cigs weren't invented to help people get off commercial cancer sticks, for hundreds of thousands, that's ...

A "red-tagged" cash bribe: 500 million salmonella contaminated eggs in Iowa cost farmer $6.8 million four years later

  What happens when you run CAFOs - confined animal feeding operations? You reap what you sow. After years of battling bacterial outbreaks in the barns, and viral infections from digestive infections, animals that eat GMO feed breed bad meat, and bad milk, and the confined quarters breed fines, even if they take 4 years to show up.   "Quality Egg acknowledged that, on at least two occasions in 2010, Tony Wasmund or another employee gave a cash bribe to a U.S. Department of Agriculture inspector to allow tainted eggs to be sold. The eggs had been "red tagged" for failing to meet minimum USDA quality grade standards."   Who else is bribing USDA inspectors to sell salmonella eggs - to the tune of 500 million of them? Who still serves up conventional eggs, besides every popular   restaurant and fast food joint in the whole nation? Who's eating hormones, antibiotics, and salmonella? What else is in YOUR omelet? Cheese and margarine? Hydrogenat...

90 percent of the American public wants GE foods labeled

Which supermarket foods are genetically engineered? This is probably the most urgent question the public has about these novel foods. Opinion polls show that up to 90 percent of the American public wants GE foods labeled. But despite this overwhelming demand, almost no foods on U.S. grocery shelves reveal their secret, genetically engineered ingredients. We’ve seen that our government, under pressure from the biotechnology industry, has not required the labeling of GE foods. And the biotech industry does not voluntarily identify them, fearing, probably correctly, that the majority of Americans would avoid GE foods if given a choice. As a result, the U.S. public has been deprived of its right to choose whether to buy and consume these engineered foods. However, this is not the case with most of our major trading partners around the globe who have instituted mandatory labeling of all GE foods and ingredients.