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Showing posts from January 26, 2014

Natural News Forensic Food Lab investigates HEAVY METALS and GMO in FOODS!

      You can count on Natural News Blogs to report on breaking natural health news, whether it’s global, continental, state wide, regional or hometown news. Mike Adams the Health Ranger is using science to unveil all kinds of chemicals in common foods and even in health foods. You could stay on top of your own food regimen by learning some of what Mike is studying in the lab – including heavy metals like lead, cadmium, aluminum, and even mercury in our common supplements, fruits and vegetables, hemp and sprouts, seeds, grasses , and more. Understand which products and brand names even that are sporting lead, uranium and copper in what they sell you as “healthy” or “natural.”   So, now, why the huge concern for heavy metals in our food? Let’s take a couple minutes to review just to name a few issues people have from heavy metal overload:   Heavy metals can actually target your organs. Some of the heavy metals in food are actual metal frag...

Lead and cadmium target your organs – Health Ranger examines heavy metals toxicity coming from our FOOD supply

    This just in: “Forty nine percent of Americans consider the brain important!” That means it is officially confirmed that heavy metals in foods have left half of us so impaired that we can’t even read health news to understand how everything got so messed up.   Flu vaccines contain aluminum. Children’s medicines are coated with aluminum. Medical science realm won’t be clear about it. High copper in certain foods leads to symptoms of copper overload emanating in behavior. Could this have to do with the prison overloads? Testosterone and aggressive “agro” behaviors could be getting “fuel” from heavy metals in foods. Check that chicken meat for arsenic folks! Watch those calcium supplements y’all! Yep, the big calcium scam “as seen on TV.”   Learn about hormonal changes that affect heart, kidneys and brain. The “re-poisoning effect” from childhood right to an adult. Lead released into bloodstream gives second hand lead poisoning over time. Gall b...

Skin whitening with toxic mercury – a top seller in India and U.S.A. – oh but the search for the cure for cancer is on!

  As long as your skin looks good, who cares if you’re using toxic heavy metals and skin contaminants right? I mean, if you get skin cancer and die, at least you looked good for a little while, right? It’s all about the short term, like living in Los Angeles , where people live “for today” because there might not be a tomorrow, with all the crime and the drunk drivers, it’s like they just can’t police everybody, so you might as well take your chances. The same goes for the cosmetics industry, in the USA , in India , in China , and elsewhere. Just look at the FDA, who can barely regulate chemicals in food, and who allow pesticide-loaded GMO, MSG, and Aspartame to invade the food supply. Many of those regulators worked for Monsanto and other chemical-agriculture giants previously and still have stock in those companies. Can you imagine the cosmetics/makeup industry, which has little-to-no regulations on chemicals at all? Who is looking out for the consumer?   If y...

Best stop smoking aid available is ALL NATURAL and works in 14 days or less!

If you smoke cigarettes, or if you live with a smoker now or have in the past, you are most likely familiar with the "smoker's cough," but why does it happen first thing in the morning while just getting out of bed, and how come it's not a productive cough? When you have a chest cold or bronchial congestion from allergies, usually you can cough up some mucus and at least breathe or feel a little better, but for smokers, sometimes the only temporary relief that calms the morning cough is lighting up a cigarette, especially for the menthol addicts. Did you know that a person's breathing actually relaxes or slows down during most of the sleep stages to about 75 percent (except for during REM sleep), and so for a smoker, that's when the tar moves in and compresses the alveoli, those tiny air sacs in your lungs that contract and expand... so upon waking, you immediately need to breathe at 100 percent again, and a smoker may feel like their chest is being co...

Los Angeles, Chicago, New York to become a mini “Beijing” if they don’t control pollution

  Take a little road trip across parts of the United States and you see all kinds of factories off the highways, especially the smaller highways. You see factories with crude thick smoke bellowing out of pipes into the sky, slowly spreading out. You see chicken factories, paper mills, shipyards, among other industrial plants. If you have to cut through a metropolitan city, maybe one you’ve never even visited before, you get surprised, caught up in heavy traffic, highway fumes, road construction, smog from the skyscrapers, cranky sick people with attitude problems, and a whole host of pollution in downtown streets, gutters near bars and restaurants, and sometimes even medical waste. This is like a short nightmare that you can usually drive away from and simply evacuate, after your visit or your close encounters, but for some, they’re stuck, because they live there.   Close to 8.3 million in New York City   Close to 4 million people living in Los ...

Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer top the charts for American women and men – who consume meat chock full of hormones

Do you or did you have a breast tumor? Your hormones are out of whack. Do you or did you have cancer removed from your colon or prostate or in a testicle? Your hormones are out of whack, and you are probably eating pesticide-laden gluten with your hormone-laden meat. Do you drink hormone laden milk with your hormone laden meat? Wait, you haven’t heard of rBGH, rBST or Ractopamine, have you? OMG.   What’s wrong? It’s not on CNN or Dr. Oz, is it? Did “The Doctors” TV show forget to bring it up? Did you allopathic physician show you the toxic effects on your body? Did they test you for hormones from cattle in YOUR blood? No? Why not? What kind of doctor are you seeing, anyway? Ask them if they took nutrition classes in their 8 or 12 years of college and “field study.”   What the heck are the animals eating that you are eating? I bet you have no clue whatsoever. Don’t feel bad, though, just learn right now and stop eating that kind. It’s easy. Here’s the list, ...