Zombies are all around us. They go to work for the Government or some other huge corporation and they pay their taxes and mostly obey the laws. And there are judges and juries for the zombies who don't - and those direct "traffic" to jail cells, so the zombies are quite domesticated in that "stream of consciousness." Some zombies run the country. They are called congress people and they don't even read the bills they sign into law. They just get their money and go play a game where you hit a tiny ball with a long thin rod and then go find it and do it again, over and over. There are zombies who have learned how to drive cars and swipe on smart phones. They carry their cell phones in their ears all day, or even wear blue tooth earpieces in order to look sophisticated, so they can keep receiving their food money and vacation money. Some zombies are on lots of prescription medications, genetically modified food, meat, milk and...
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