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Showing posts from November 2, 2014

Back in 2004, Natural News was barely on the map, now it's 7 MILLION people strong!

  Just say the name Mike Adams and Big Pharma cringes. He is their nemesis because he shines a huge spotlight on the truth about real remedies for staying healthy for life. They hate that more than anything. Right now, today, about a quarter of a million people will read Natural Health News and get some real and helpful information about food, the environment, and how politics affect our daily lives and consumption habits.   The Health Ranger has made this huge "something" from nothing, building Natural News from the ground up in just a decade. Mike Adams - a genius when it comes building the Natural News Network , a profound scientist who investigates high level toxins in foods, whether conventional or organic - a man who shares his research FOR FREE as daily news and broadcasts via the radio. This is the heartbeat of longevity online, and it's reliable.   You can simply read articles daily on Natural and ...

95% of smokers who quit without help go back to smoking within six months - A study

In a world where smoking is the most prevalent among all addictions, the task of quitting smoking can really be Biblical. But with the introduction of a new program called 14 And Out , the task seems easier and less time consuming. It is said that this program will help smokers quit their habit in 14 days or fewer. This program is designed for smokers to understand the true reason for the addiction and helps them get rid of their habit. The program conducts an in depth study of the smoking habits— why smoking becomes a habit, why 95 percent of smokers who quit without help go back to smoking within six months, why nicotine patches, nicotine gums and electronic cigarettes are not of much help, what keeps the smokers hooked to their addiction and many topics similar to these. The program consists of a 60 minute video that discusses how to replace bad habits with good habits and what a smoker should do to keep himself from succumbing to the habit once more after quitting. It also t...

Now at 12 NEW EBOLA cases a day, the killer virus is spreading like wildfire in Sierra Leone - how would this equate to a metropolitan US city?

    The common cold in America can be spread by just visiting a doctor's office and sitting around in a waiting room for 30 - 45 minutes. People are coughing, sneezing, wiping their WET hands on the magazines, the table tops, the couch cushions, and yes, the clipboard YOU will soon touch to sign in and out.   The flu is spread as easily as a head cold, on grocery cart handles and grocery basket handles at the stores. You catch it by touching the "anti-bacterial" hand-wash container that the last infected person just used. The flu is spread when people cough and saliva is projected TEN feet across the room. And of course, you can give people the flu BEFORE YOU SHOW SYMPTONS.   Now let's talk about Ebola virus in the news :   In Sierra Leone , on the continent of Africa , the west side near the panhandle, Ebola is a pandemic. No CNN report can cover up that fact. No Wolfe Blitzer to play it down and tell the people not to panic. It ...

The great stock market bubble of 2014/2015

From Natural News Editor Mike Adams: ..."The stock market bubble looms as a financial crisis just waiting to happen, and the U.S. economy continues to crater from job losses which the federal government has simply chosen not to report. (Almost all the economic indicator numbers the feds are publishing now are complete fiction.) Food inflation is alarmingly high but take-home earnings are stagnant, meaning most people are getting deeper and deeper into a financial hole." Learn more: Natural News Tracker keeps you informed of breaking health and environment news:  

Oh, you wanna know what causes cancer??

Oh, you wanna know what causes cancer?? Watch this!! Natural News Tracker is reporting on all of this food atrocity and mayhem in USA and around the globe! Natural News Tracker reports the truth with natural health news!

Do You Eat Cancer Daily?

  How can one"eat" cancer ?   Didn't they tell us it's not contagious?   What if you "catch" cancer from toxic food?   Since nearly every kind of cancer is preventable, it's also curable. Because we are born organic WITHOUT cancer, we can simply return to 100% organic living and reverse cell mutations so ALL of our NEW cells are NOT mutated, don't become mutated, and therefore cannot multiply uncontrollably, which is how cancer functions. This is HEALTH BASICS 101. Welcome to a world where health enthusiasts live past 100 on NO MEDICATIONS and who are laughing, taking care of themselves, and telling MORE people how they do it.   STOP EATING CANCERFOOD :   STOP SMOKING NATURALLY IN 14 DAYS:   Get off the cancer train. Be spiritual and organic. You can afford it, becaus...