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Showing posts from July 10, 2016

GMOs, forced vaccination and global warming – three population reduction schemes being pushed on the masses for "health" reasons

  The slogans for depopulation agendas are always the complete opposite of their true intentions. Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are how we will "save the world" from starvation, drought, blight, and pests. Vaccines are "safe" and "effective" and are most useful when administered to the entire "herd." Global warming is all our fault–the humans–who have polluted the earth so bad we destroyed the ozone layer, trapped all the dangerous gasses, and "raised the overall temperature" of the entire planet, all inside of 100 years.   When in fact, what "we've done" (we being the corporations that create chemicals for agriculture, food, medicine and personal care products) is "we've" poisoned conventional food with bug killer and weed killer–from the inside out, and from the outside in. We've bred dangerous foreign bacteria into the seeds of our crops and their DNA is corrupted with pestici...

The BEST book on Cancer Prevention on Amazon today!

In the United States, cancer statistically now strikes half of all men, and a third of all women. Those tough odds are compounded by the odds of surviving that cancer. Why is this happening, and what factors can improve our chances? The rise of diseases now typical of Western society has coincided oddly enough with the industrialization of the modern diet - food allergies, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, GERD, peptic ulcers, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, diabetes, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome... and ultimately cancer. How does our food supply contribute to this common thread of illness, debilitation and early death? The answer is staring us in the face - chemicals! Sean David Cohen's top cancer prevention book Don't Eat Cancer is available NOW: Read more: The Food and Drug Administra...

Top 7 diseases, disorders, and syndromes brought on and EXACERBATED by GMOs, antibiotics, and a slew of toxic vaccinations

The majority of diseases and disorders that exist in the world today are either of the contagious, infectious kind or the type that are brought on by consuming carcinogens and neurotoxins. Regarding the latter and the term "consuming," we are describing anything toxic in food, beverages, vaccines, or personal care products that find their way into the bloodstream, and thus affect the heart, brain, organs, cells, and central nervous system. It is also very important to note that infectious diseases are often prevented from being spread and/or beaten down by a normal, functioning immune system, and again, a system that is not heavily burdened by noxious chemicals that are "consumed." Moreover, most humans are NOT born with autism, or cancer, or irritable bowels, or central nervous system (CNS) disorders, or malfunctioning cleansing organs. Yet many MDs label health problems as "genetic" (which they are), even though they are NOT inherited. T...

Prevent nearly every disease and disorder known to mankind with these top 10 inexpensive food items!

  Nothing's more true than the old adage, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Not only does that ounce of prevention save you the nightmare of being sick, of probably missing work, and most likely accumulating medical bills, but that same "ounce" of prevention may only literally weigh an ounce and cost less than fifteen bucks. In America , people have been brainwashed by the medical industrial complex that food can't prevent or cure anything, but just the opposite is true. In fact, there's a natural cure for every health ill under the sun, and the secret "recipe" involves taking a couple five dollar bills out of your purse or wallet, buying the item(s), opening the package, and putting the remedies in your mouth. It's a super simple process that seems too easy, and that's exactly why so many people fail to have the faith required to actually walk the walk, so they won't have to spend hundreds and thousands of ...