Are you planning a baby, pregnant now, or celebrating your new child already? So let it be written, so let it be sealed - that you will never smoke another cigarette as long as you live, and you will not only do this for yourself, but for your child. If you could stop smoking naturally, without using some scary medication and without ever going back to smoking, wouldn't you begin right away? If you have the will, natural news health enthusiasts know the way , and so do thousands of ex-smokers who are now their own health enthusiasts, raising children in a smoke-free environment they so deserve. Second-Hand and Third-Hand Smoke According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cigarette smoking results in nearly half-a-million premature deaths in the United States each year - that's about one in every five U.S. deaths. An additional sixteen million people suffer with a serious illness caused by smoking. In fact, for every...
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