Evil Biotech Seed Monopoly attempts to merge with titan Syngenta ... Will there be a GMO FOOD HOLOCAUST run by Monsanto?
Year and years of bad food and bad medicine are killing millions in America - - We create the epidemics of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, strokes, heart disease - - all while we eat more chemicals. It all started with processed foods after WWII, which were basically void of nutrition. That's when food scientists began using synthetic food additives and preservatives to give food longer shelf life, but it was shortening human life. Those synthetic food chemicals kill mold, fungus and bacteria that breeds in food as it ages, but it also kills human cells, and all the science to prove it was subverted for decades and decades. Then came the 1980's, when BIOTECH was really born, and scientists were mad at work discovering ways to put bug and weed-killing genes in the crop seeds, and cancer and Alzheimer's statistics began going through the roof, but the CDC and FDA would cover all that up, as revealed in the new ...