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Showing posts from October 11, 2015

The Ultimate Cancer Prevention - Don't Eat It!

No formula is necessary to figure out that if you put processed food and genetically modified food and chemical-laden food and fluoridated water in your mouth every meal of every day, you will experience "compounded health detriment" in the form of weight, clogged arteries, dysfunctional organs, brain fog, mutating cells and the most debilitating conditions AND expensive medical treatments known to this planet, including unnecessary pain, suffering, anxiety, depression, allergies, disorders, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.   Cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes...   Cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, arthritis, osteoporosis, bone loss and brain fog ... it's ALL preventable, but still, every single MD in America will convince you that the majority of your health problems are genetic and inherited, and that is like running really bad software that approves lousy bank loans to borrowers that will surely d...

Stop Smoking SCAMS Revealed!

  Chantix & Zyban, Nicotine Patches, Scare Tactics - boring! Have you taken "stop smoking" medications and had horrific nightmares and thoughts of suicide that you NEVER had before? You might have been swallowing Chantix or Zyban pills, cause that's just a couple of the side effects, besides not getting people off of cigarettes. Are you wearing a patch that delivers 3 to 4 milligrams of nicotine consistently throughout the day, when you were used to smoking a cigarette at least once an hour that contained over 100 mg. of nicotine in a vapor form that hit your brain and heart in three seconds after the inhale?   Maybe you should switch to those E-cigs, you know, electronic cigarettes without nicotine . That could be your bridge to freedom from commercial cigarettes.   Did the scary CDC commercials not work for you? Welcome to reality. Did some doctor convince your brain that you don't need cigarettes? It works, if you follow up with some n...

Preventable Disease Epidemic

  Statistical software is used to compute whether or not a bank should give you a home loan. Algorithms are run to determine your "worth" and ability to make good and "perform" on the loan, which is really exponentially working against you to make you pay back about three times the amount you borrow–a huge price to pay for being "lazy" and not making the money before you "spent it." Yet no formula is necessary to figure out that if you put processed food and genetically modified food and chemical-laden food and fluoridated water in your mouth every meal of every day, you will experience "compounded interest" in the form of weight, clogged arteries, dysfunctional organs, brain fog, mutating cells and the most debilitating conditions AND expensive medical treatments known to this planet, including unnecessary pain, suffering, anxiety, depression, allergies, disorders, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Will you "catch"...

Attention Smokers, Alcoholics and Drug Addicts: Are you "all in" for being the ULTIMATE healthy person and dropping all the garbage? Take these FIVE STEPS

Step one : Take your cigarettes, diet soda, junk food and any drugs and flush them down the toilet. We're going down to the basement of basics so this new lifestyle for you is NOT complicated, but simple, straightforward and FUN.   Step two : Decide on some form of exercise that you actually like – that's easy, simple, not a strain on muscles or back or feet or knees, etc. You only need to do this exercise for 10 - 15 minutes a day. Don't make this complicated. Walking briskly, jogging, lifting very light weights, jumping rope, riding your bike, swimming (indoor or outdoor), climbing steps, pacing throughout your home, yoga, anything, ... the choices are unlimited.   Step three : Go to Natural News Blog and read a short article on how to detoxify your lymphatic system ( or click here ). Here's the intro. This is what you need to know: "The lymphatic system, or lymph system as it is also called, is a system made up of glands, lymph nodes, th...