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Showing posts from September 15, 2013


36,000 people a year do not die from the flu .. And yet the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), eager to dispense 135 million doses of flu vaccine this year, is waging psychological warfare on the public by repeating equally false claims about how hundreds of thousands of people end up in the hospital every year as a result of influenza infection, and that about 36,000 of them die from flu-related complications. Learn more:

It is official – antibiotic-resistant superbugs are leading to incurable diseases!

According to Natural News , the CDC's new Threat Report 2013 states that an estimate of about 23,000 Americans each year die due to antibiotic-resistant superbugs. This report comes as a shocker, because it means and implies that modern medicine is a failure when it comes to infectious disease. The CDC all but admits this now, saying the era of antibiotics is nearing its end. "If we are not careful, we will soon be in a post-antibiotic era," said Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the CDC. This admission should send alarm bells ringing in the medical industry, as it directly highlights how ineffective these medicines are and the fact that they are more dangerous than they are effective at curing disease. For more information, log onto: According to the CDC, the top three superbug threats right now are: • Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae or CRE (9,000 annual...

Whole Foods Caught Lying Again! Training employees to say NO GMOs ever

Organic Spies requests you do not post this video on YouTube If you attempt to post this video on YouTube, it will be immediately banned due to YouTube's outrageous censorship of real journalism and whistleblowers. Thus, if you do post this video on YouTube and share the link, people who try to click the link will end up seeing a "video removed" message from YouTube. To avoid this, only share this link from , which will be fully protected by Natural News according to the First Amendment of the United States of America, as well as all the protections of free speech accorded journalists and media organizations operating in the public interest. Natural News fully anticipates being threatened by the Whole Foods Market legal team, and we are well aware of our free speech rights as well as our responsibilities to protect our sources and conduct meaningful investigative journalism in the public interest. In fact, we would argue that we ...

Obamacare – more of a pain than being of any help!

According to Natural News , the closer we come to the date of “Obamacare” being implemented, the more the true colors are coming out in the open. Instead of health premiums going down, it is increasing the debts of Americans, affecting their employment as well as affecting their health care policies. As per Breitbart News, “Because ObamaCare is nothing more than a wealth redistribution policy that forces the productive to pay for the non-productives' Cadillac health plans (which include birth control), and costs are about to explode. As a result, employers are desperate to cut the burden of their health care costs, which is why our economy is hardly creating any full-time jobs, and the part-time employees at Trader Joe's just lost their health insurance benefits.” The Huffington Post also stated, “After extending health care coverage to many of its part-time employees for years, Trader Joe's has told workers who log fewer than 30 hours a week that they will ne...

World War III: Poison vs. Nutrition

  Is it fair to say that toxic food is poison, even though it takes longer to kill you than, say, rattle snake venom or a sting from a scorpion? Let’s face it, poison is poison; it doesn’t matter how slowly or quickly it kills you. Ever seen the 1970’s movie “ Nine to Five ” where the secretaries poison their boss slowly by substituting rat poison for his daily “sweet-n-low” fix of sugar in his coffee? Yes, little by little, his body broke down and he died. There are politics involved with toxic food. Politics are a disease and there is proof.   Many people don’t want to believe it, or they don’t want to “accept it,” or even worse, they think it might be true but they don’t want to change their ways, their eating habits, their conveniences, their lifelong addictions. People have been brainwashed by commercials, ads in magazines, talk show hosts posing as real doctors who care, ...

You saw Pulp Fiction when Bruce Willis says “Zed is Dead” – now TED IS DEAD and Modern Science’s Fake Front is exposed

You know how Hollywood uses fake backdrops and blue screens to pretend they are somewhere they are not, right. This is the exact same thing. TED, the supposed think tank of modern science, has been blitzkrieged by thugs, by Monsanto and their cohorts, their constituents, their corporate junk science “junkies.” TED, the latest philosopher’s circle of power, has become just another thug hub, a sort of   “pat each other on the back” convention, a BIG LIE. Mainstream is quack science and they don’t want to ever mention the words GMO and problems at the same time in a crowded room. This convention is to establish speaking grounds, and ground rules , so people never discuss nutrition as a part of science, as a part of healing, as a part of the cure for any ailment or disorder. This TED convention is now run by and accepting applications from complete sellouts. Sell your soul to bad food and bad science and you can stay at the luxury suite at the Ritz Cracker Hotel, overlooki...

Arsenic in Rice – how safe is it to consume?

According to Natural News , Consumer Reports tested 223 samples of rice products in 2012 and found significant levels of arsenic in most of them, including inorganic arsenic (the really toxic kind). And it is generally higher in brown rice. The release of this information woke up the U.S. rice industry from its slumber, which then started putting pressure on the FDA to clear the issue. So the FDA issued a statement saying that yes, there was arsenic in rice, but no, it didn't pose any "short-term" health risks. This is the absolute truth. There are chances of long-term health risks from chronic exposure to arsenic. But this aspect was completely overlooked by the FDA, which stated that "agency scientists determined that the amount of detectable arsenic is too low in the rice and rice product samples to cause any immediate or short-term adverse health effects." For more information, log onto:

Kids and their schools hate the (GOLP!) GMO Obamacare Lunch Program, no wonder why!

  Some schools just serve half the food now, to meet “calorie” requirements. Yes folks, we’re still counting those calories, not nutrition or quality, no that doesn’t require any attention at all. Other schools get subsidies to serve up GMO garbage, but less kids are buying that GMO garbage, because humans (animals) don’t like eating chemical food, so the schools are selling up to 40% less lunches, and ooops, there goes that budget for decent food. It’s back to square one. Who ever thought of serving veggie wraps? What kids are eating pears and what kids are eating more junk food to cover that “calorie” base GUIDELINE we gotta meet? Just like back in the 1970’s when the four food groups were all the craze for teaching kids about nutrition, right! Then came along the mythbusters, and everyone learned that meat and milk were two huge reasons for cancer, alzheimer’s, and heart disease. Can you say stroke? Yes, the fat in the blood mixed with the grease from the fat from th...

Extra Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium-Loaded Rice for All Americans! Eat up!

  The toxic elements lead and cadmium are more toxic than arsenic! The FDA is playing down the dangers of arsenic in the human body by only saying there are little to no SHORT TERM effects, but the LONG TERM EFFECTS are horrendous!   Eat up America ! Wanna try to be healthy, eat brown rice … LIE! Is white rice bleached too, to add to the toxins already contained in it? How much rice is GMO right now?   Consumer Reports tested 223 samples of rice products The Health Ranger Mike Adams informs us: “Cadmium is, roughly speaking, 100 to 1,000 times more toxic to the human body, we are talking about a problem that is 1,000 - 10,000 times worse than the problem of arsenic in rice .” Learn more:   No more standards for Corporate Food, only Certified Organic food is...

Flu shots or population reduction? You be the judge of “CVS” brand sales tactics to push flu shots on elderly

        Did you hear that Bill Gates wants to reduce the world population using vaccines? Did you read about that yet? That’s just an introduction to the real NWO – New World Order. Remember the Bush Sr. era where “New World Order” really set in? Then his son came along and followed in his dark footsteps. Flu shots shouldn’t be killing ANYBODY. Are you kidding me? Our senior citizens are terrified of the flu and pneumonia because they have low immunity because they’ve been drinking fluoridated water and getting vaccines and pharmaceuticals full of chemicals. And how could a drug store chain be involved in all this, you ask? We’ll do the math here. It’s easy.   Bill Gates wants to reduce the world population   Catch it on video!

Win the cigarette WAR, stop smoking naturally

Quit Smoking before 2014 begins!   14AndOut is THE way, the natural way - and you  SMOKE YOUR LAST CIGARETTE, WITHOUT A REGRET!   Learn the 10 KEY strategies you need to stop smoking for good. Get “insider” knowledge from the Author/Teacher who has helped thousands of smokers stop smoking within 14 days.   Do it for your family, your significant other, your kids. Today is the day you begin to breathe free again.   14AndOut! Stop smoking naturally in 14 days or less!  How does it work? Here's the Health Ranger Mike Adams presenting the trailer:   14AndOut! Stop smoking naturally in 14 days or less!   Testimonial   I AM doing very well. I am also no longer a smoker!! I took an evening to myself to watch the video and go over the packet. I had one cigarette after ...

Who is out to ruin Journalism and freedom of speech? Senator Dianne Feinstein

  If you don’t know by now, Sen. Feinstein is the anti-christ, the reapor, the darkness, the beast. If you don’t believe in “the beast” it doesn’t really matter though, because she’s out to ruin Journalism, integrity, the Bill of Rights, the amendments, and everything she can get her forked “pen” to write against that is good in this world. She wants the holy power to be able to decide if someone is a Journalist, an independent writer, a blogger, or some other “category” of truth teller, and she wants to silence them with legislation. Feinstein, the gun control freak, is also the one trying hardest to bury NSA whistleblower Eric Snowden. Feinstein is frankenstein, she’s frankencorn, she’s Satan’s messenger. She is pure evil. If you don’t read natural news and infowars coverage of all of this, you may not know a thing, though. See, the networks are paid to do the same things as Feinstein, just more subliminally. The mass media trick is to close you by choice, and that ch...