According to Natural News , the basic human rights protections established by the Nuremberg Code, which was adopted immediately after the end of World War II, continue to serve as a global template for how human beings are to be treated by the scientific community. As far as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) go, which are still not properly labeled in North America, the ongoing use of these untested additives in the food supply without full disclosure represents a blatant violation of the dictates of the Code. Since not a single long-term study has ever verified that GMOs are safe for human consumption, these substances are, by their very nature, experimental. This suggests that, in order for them to justifiably exist as "food," GMOs must, at the very least, be properly labeled so that people who consume them know that they are present. There also must be full disclosure about the potential risks of consuming GMOs if the technology is to meet the moral obliga...
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