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Showing posts from July 27, 2014

Are the food items that we intake as part of our daily diet as per the Nuremburg Code?

According to Natural News , the basic human rights protections established by the Nuremberg Code, which was adopted immediately after the end of World War II, continue to serve as a global template for how human beings are to be treated by the scientific community. As far as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) go, which are still not properly labeled in North America, the ongoing use of these untested additives in the food supply without full disclosure represents a blatant violation of the dictates of the Code. Since not a single long-term study has ever verified that GMOs are safe for human consumption, these substances are, by their very nature, experimental. This suggests that, in order for them to justifiably exist as "food," GMOs must, at the very least, be properly labeled so that people who consume them know that they are present. There also must be full disclosure about the potential risks of consuming GMOs if the technology is to meet the moral obliga...

Why do most smokers gain weight when they quit cigarettes?

    Most smokers eat junk food nearly every day of their smoking lives, because they know that the cigarettes are already destroying most of their "healthy living," so why bother to eat right, right? There are 45 million smokers in the United States, and coincidentally Americans eat about 50 billion hamburgers a year, so go figure. In fact, McDonald's alone sells 75 burgers every second of every day . How is this relevant? Fast food, beer and aspirin are a typical consumption regimen for many smokers, who don't sleep well, have sicknesses last longer than non-smokers and have that constant hack cough. So no matter what weight a smoker may be "weighing in" at while smoking, that weight is likely to skyrocket after coming off nicotine. The hourly or bi-hourly stimulant keeps many smokers skinny or at the weight that they were when they started smoking, but there's more health detriment in store for the "ex-smoker" who doesn...

Chemical-Food today contains some ingredients from the gas chambers of WWII and go against the Nuremburg Code of ethics - like an experiment on humans

Do you know what DDT is? Agent Orange? I know what you're thinking, that's Vietnam , but what about RoundUp, that one's new right? All of these chemicals, whether concocted to kill bugs, weeds, or people, kill ALL living things that take in enough of them. How much is enough for you? Have you been eating GMO, genetically modified organisms that contain PESTICIDE AND HERBICIDE? Are you a human experiment for Big Pharma to treat later? Guess where Big Pharma got it's big head start? Nazi Germany . Guess who hired those scientists fresh out of prison just 4 to 7 years after being convicted of mass murder at the Nuremburg trials? USA . That my friends, is a cold hard fact. I've triple checked it.   BT CORN EXPOSURE EPIDEMIC   Are you thinking about suicide because all of your crops a...