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Showing posts from October 19, 2014

Ebola tests negative for Ebola!! Whew! Thanks CDC - you're just like the 3 Stooges running our biodefense system!

Everything tests negative. Whew! As part of our effort to calm public fears, we are going to tell you that everybody who once had Ebola now tests negative for Ebola. It's all cleared! We tested the nurses from Dallas, and it came up negative. We tested the friends of Thomas Duncan, and they came up negative. Heck, we even tested the Ebola virus for Ebola and it came up negative too. Thank goodness Ebola is now Ebola free. Learn more:

How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes in 14 Days without Medication!

U.S. military bioweapons research moved offshore?

"...the existence of an American Military-Medical-Industry that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccinations to control diseases and improve the health of black Africans overseas." The book The Hot Zone confirms that infectious agents like Ebola were once developed into bioweapons by the United States Army, but it points out that such research was outlawed by President Nixon in 1969. Learn more: