Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days! Where there is a will, there is a way: 14AndOut is my revolutionary invention which helps smokers quit the habit naturally in 14 days or less. Since it’s creation about two years ago, tons of positivity has poured in and out, from emails to compliments to people enjoying their freedom from nicotine. I am so happy for everyone who purchased the program, including the video, which sold over 600 copies for 2012. That’s 600 people avoiding cancer and tuning into their natural, spiritual life that cigarettes were trying to rob them of. They are free to feel good without guilt and without the weight of all of those chemicals. Every summer I attend the David Wolfe seminar in Baltimore to learn more about everything from Superfoods to natural remedies to more tools for smokers who want to quit the habit. David is a world leader in natural advice...
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