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Showing posts from December 8, 2013

Stop Smoking Cigarettes in time for the New Year 2014!

  Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days! Where there is a will, there is a way: 14AndOut is my revolutionary invention which helps smokers quit the habit naturally in 14 days or less. Since it’s creation about two years ago, tons of positivity has poured in and out, from emails to compliments to people enjoying their freedom from nicotine. I am so happy for everyone who purchased the program, including the video, which sold over 600 copies for 2012. That’s 600 people avoiding cancer and tuning into their natural, spiritual life that cigarettes were trying to rob them of. They are free to feel good without guilt and without the weight of all of those chemicals.   Every summer I attend the David Wolfe seminar in Baltimore to learn more about everything from Superfoods to natural remedies to more tools for smokers who want to quit the habit. David is a world leader in natural advice...

Medicare “Advantage” not an advantage at all if your doctor gets dropped thanks to Obamacare laws

  The great and powerful “Oz” (Obama) has spoken, much like Moses did on Mt. Sinai , and he has declared that millions of Americans will get affordable health coverage that never had it before! And just like that, supply meets demand for 40 million new folks – well – not really. Actually, the subsidies are being cut back, way back, the millions of Americans trying to get on line and secure healthcare are running into a brick wall (called healthcare dot gov), and AARP “Advantage” may soon become the great “disadvantage” as major healthcare providers just can’t seem to fit that “square peg” in that “round hole” known as the Affordable Healthcare Act.   The slogan “you can keep your doctor” would be just fine if your doctor was still around, covered by your plan, but now, as Natural News called it out earlier this year, physicians are being dropped by insurers right and left because the Medicare Advantage “Network” has financial concerns, better known as fundin...

New York City mandates MERCURY flu shots for children – is this medical (NAZI) forced-pharma implementation?

  Have you ever heard the name I.G. Farben? That was Hitler’s “right arm” – the big pharma regime that would sweep through regions/countries he took over and shut down/takeover all their medicine manufacturing/distribution and “install” theirs. IG Farben was a conglomerate of Big Pharma “guns” wielding corrupt medicine just like they do today. And what are politics in America but those “salesmen” vying for that capital, that cash, some of those “payoffs” from the “Big Guns” that are bumping elbows at conventions, campaign fundraisers, and those big dinners in Washington DC fine dining establishments, and, oh yeah, New York City. The vaccine WAR is heating up in New York City faster than a solar panel in Arizona , and it looks like mommies and daddies are going to be forced by their government to inject their children with mercury (thimerosal) injections that cause autism, mental disorders, neurological disorders, and sometimes death. On top of it all, the Nazi “vaccine c...

And you thought Truvia and PureVia were similar to stevia?

According to Natural News , Artificial Sweetener Disease (ASD) is sweeping across America, affecting tens of thousands of consumers. Some of the severe consequences of consuming ASD include recurring headaches, unbearable migraines, depression, anxiety, muscle pain, arthritis flare ups, buzzing or ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, inflammation and even acid reflux. The symptoms of ASD can change overnight, depending on how much chemical sweetener you consume, and which ones. Some combinations are especially toxic. Consumers can go from a migraine headache to vomiting or from vision problems to an upset stomach. Many people experience central nervous system disorders, cramping, nervous twitches and abnormal reflexes. For more information, log onto: Stevia is a plant that grows in Brazil that tastes naturally sweet; ther...

Stop Smoking Naturally with 14AndOut! Part I "Cigarette Hangover"

This is the secret to quitting smoking, for good! 14&Out - the Best Stop Smoking program/video/book on the market!

I already know who I’m voting for in 2016 – The Organic Food Party!

It’s a “no-brainer.” You go in the booth, pull the curtain, and pull the lever (check the right box). It’s like having a “Natural News” party to run food, seed and soil regulations. It’s like if Alex Jones was the mainstream News and the “common sense” rule of the land. Imagine everyone laughing at CNN, looking back at the trail of lies.   Finally, regulations and even the end of Bio-tech. The End of GMO is upon us! It’s time to celebrate. Get the juicers out. Kale is the new, how do you say, “Democratic” Oath. Swear in the new President to the organic way. He/She swears to “uphold these truths in food and soil, to NEVER modify the seeds, with chemical, bacteria, virus or the like, and to NEVER damage thy soil, that “ feedith mankind ” and gives nutrients .   No poison on crops shall be used, to kill the weeds or the bugs. No chemical mixtures of any kind. Ron Paul will be inspecting everyone, as he heads up the FDA and functions as Food Czar. Food freedom is i...

The Health Ranger gets the scoop on Natural News from around the World

How does one survive the twenty first century’s influx of toxic products and toxic medicine? How does one prepare for disasters, whether planned or natural? What are your purchase habits and how can you change them to purchase only that which is necessary for survival and “surthrival?” Walk blindly out into this world, especially the Western world of toxic food and medicine, and you will fall down, flat on your face. But walk out into this nutritional world with knowledge, vision, hope, and a plan, and you can experience unlimited potential, unlimited opportunity, and a healthy life with which to make the most of it all. So no matter where you live or travel, you need to get the “natural news” from the natural news blog!

Do you have Lab Wheat Disease? Find out now.

I wonder why wheat is causing disease and disorder in America. What could possibly be the reason? Doctors go to medical schools, some for 12 years straight, to study the body, and chemistry, and biology, and surgery, all so they can figure out how to keep people from dying. That's America, and that's the medical phenomenon, if they can just "keep you from dying." It doesn't ever matter how big the bill is to keep you from your grave either, or how you feel, or what organs you lose, or if some body part needs to be removed, as long as you get to live, right? And you've heard for years and years, since you were little, that wheat, corn and rice are good for you! Yes, I don't care how old you are; whether you're 86 or 26 or 58, you've heard all the myths, the lies, the four food groups, the need for meat for protein, the need for milk for calcium and the NEED for WHEAT for regularity and other proteins. So where is everybody going wrong? Why are ...

Oil of Oregano and Olive Leaf Extract – Natural immunity to colds and viruses!

    What do 70% of Americans do the second they start getting sick with a cold, the flu, sinus attacks, sore throats, itchy eyes, runny nose, fever, whatever? They run to the grocery store or the pharmacy or even the convenient stores and they buy some kind of cold or allergy OTC medication. And what do they get? Sicker, that’s what. If they buy a syrup, they’re getting GMO Monsanto HFCS (pesticide-laden corn syrup), and they’re getting Aspartame, Sucrolose and Sorbitol, which are artificial sweeteners that lead to central nervous system disorder and irritable bowels, and that’s just the beginning. Drugs that quell symptoms but add to the toxicity of the blood fester in the body, fueling whatever was attacking the body to begin with, yes, that bacteria or virus, or that bug that’s going around. So while your body is trying to beat back the sickness, and use what immunity is left to fight, YOU are dumping in poisons, laboratory made synthetic concoctions loaded with alu...