What do 70% of Americans do the second they start getting
sick with a cold, the flu, sinus attacks, sore throats, itchy eyes, runny nose,
fever, whatever? They run to the grocery store or the pharmacy or even the
convenient stores and they buy some kind of cold or allergy OTC medication. And
what do they get? Sicker, that’s what. If they buy a syrup, they’re getting GMO
Monsanto HFCS (pesticide-laden corn syrup), and they’re getting Aspartame,
Sucrolose and Sorbitol, which are artificial sweeteners that lead to central
nervous system disorder and irritable bowels, and that’s just the beginning. Drugs
that quell symptoms but add to the toxicity of the blood fester in the body,
fueling whatever was attacking the body to begin with, yes, that bacteria or
virus, or that bug that’s going around. So while your body is trying to beat
back the sickness, and use what immunity is left to fight, YOU are dumping in
poisons, laboratory made synthetic concoctions loaded with aluminum based
(petroleum) food coloring and gelatin capsules and more foreign bacteria for
your body to fight off while you THINK you’re getting better because for 4
hours, you don’t feel as much “pain.”
There are solutions, remedies, answers to the madness. Turn
off the television and shut the pseudo-med-magazine. Did the doctor recommend
antihistamines, so you can shrink your membranes, the ones trying to flush out
the cold or flu? Ooops. Did your doctor recommend Natural Remedies? What kind
of doctor do you call? Visit? Is it a Naturopath or a Nutritionist with a PhD?
Natural News offers insight into these natural remedies that
Big Pharma does NOT want you to know about:
“… Essential plant oils possess unique antimicrobial
properties naturally fight and eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi.
And the essential oil of oregano in
particular, which survivalists and "preppers" alike are discovering
is a top choice for staying healthy during a crisis, is arguably the most
potent and effective antimicrobial in the essential oil family.”
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043170_oregano_oil_prepping_natural_antiseptic.html#ixzz2mzLfwD4l
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043170_oregano_oil_prepping_natural_antiseptic.html#ixzz2mzLfwD4l
The use of olive oil and olive leaves has been renowned for
nutrition and health benefits for thousands of years. Olive leaf extract was traditionally used throughout the Mediterranean and Middle
Eastern regions to treat wounds and infections. Olive leaf extract is one of
the best ways to destroy dangerous pathogenic microbes and improve our
microorganism count. This has been shown to be extremely effective in
preventing colds and flus and improving immune health.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043165_olive_leaf_extract_common_cold_influenza.html#ixzz2mzLN04qe
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043165_olive_leaf_extract_common_cold_influenza.html#ixzz2mzLN04qe
Track natural news and the Natural
News Tracker! Get better and stay better. You can build natural immunity to the
bugs that are “going around” this winter. Don’t fall for the hoaxes, the swine
flu scares, the flu shots that contain aspartame or formaldehyde! Don’t drink
corn sugar with food dye and aspartame in it. Don’t suck down pills containing
foreign lab made bacteria. Don’t believe any ads on TV, ever!