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And you thought Truvia and PureVia were similar to stevia?

According to Natural News, Artificial Sweetener Disease (ASD) is sweeping across America, affecting tens of thousands of consumers. Some of the severe consequences of consuming ASD include recurring headaches, unbearable migraines, depression, anxiety, muscle pain, arthritis flare ups, buzzing or ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, inflammation and even acid reflux.

The symptoms of ASD can change overnight, depending on how much chemical sweetener you consume, and which ones. Some combinations are especially toxic. Consumers can go from a migraine headache to vomiting or from vision problems to an upset stomach. Many people experience central nervous system disorders, cramping, nervous twitches and abnormal reflexes.

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Stevia is a plant that grows in Brazil that tastes naturally sweet; therefore, it is dried out and ground up and is a great substitute for sugar, eliminating unwanted calories. It does have a little aftertaste, as if it was artificial, but it is not. Stevia is becoming easier to find in the mass market, and most vitamin shops and health food stores carry it in a box or in little packets that you can take with you to work, school or wherever it's convenient.

Truvia and PureVia are mixed with chemicals in a laboratory. It may come from something natural, but it's not natural anymore. Splenda tried to fool the natural sugar substitute "world" when they claimed in their tagline that it came from natural sugar cane, but the other big artificial sweetener companies complained so much, even in court, that Splenda had to trash the slogan. After all, Splenda is a chemical concoction, just like Truvia and PureVia.

Truvia is cooked, altered or, in other words, GMO. Don't eat it. Some research shows that artificial sweeteners may never get expelled by the human body, because they taste sweet, so the body tries to ingest the lab concoction and use it for energy.

Dr. John Olney, who founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity, attempted to stop the approval of aspartame with attorney James Turner back in 1996. The FDA's own toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, told Congress that, without a shadow of a doubt, aspartame can cause brain tumors and brain cancer and that it violated the Delaney Amendment, which forbids putting anything in food that is known to cause cancer. According to the top doctors and researchers on this issue, aspartame causes headaches, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, comas and cancer. It worsens or mimics the symptoms of such diseases and conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue and depression.

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To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the horrifying truth about Truvia, PureVia, Artificial Sweetener Disease and more, one can easily log onto:










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