First “Proposed” as an Executive Order by Richard Nixon back in 1970, and later ratified by committee hearings in both houses, the Environmental Protection Agency, headquartered in Washington, D.C., now has 27 laboratories for assessing environmental concerns to help the EPA enforce national laws and standards. Supposedly, the EPA works with ALL levels of government, in wide variety, to control and prevent pollution . As of late, mainstream media has a total blackout of the negligence of the EPA to do their job, and there are repeat offenses with no punishments being doled out for huge negligence mistakes regarding assessing hazards; such as NOT assessing lead in tap water, or NOT dumping toxic waste into rivers that span multiple states, or NOT raising the levels of glyphosate allowable in food and ground water just because a corporation ( Monsanto ) (11) tells them to, and now that the WHO, World Health Organization, (14) has declared that glyphosate (3) (50% of Roundup Herbi...
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