Are you ready to do the 5-step “nic” quit? It’s easy. It’s scientifically proven to help you kick the cravings for nicotine without any drugs or chemical prescriptions. In America, there are 35 million smokers, 10 million vape connoisseurs, plus over 5 million smokeless tobacco users (think chew or dip). That’s 50 million people in this country alone who have a “nic fit” every 20 to 40 minutes, and simply must get their fix to remove the nicotine hangover when the previous drag wears off. Yes it’s a vicious cycle, but that fire can be extinguished, and it’s not as difficult as people might think. In fact, it’s rather easy, if you know the 5 steps, but if you don’t, you may remain a user for years, even decades. Are you one of them? One day soon you’ll try to quit, again. You’ll want to quit, but will you know how? There are some really bad choices out there for “quit methods” and there are some sensible, natural ones. Nothing, though, works as well as the 5-Day, 5-Step Nic...
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