It's so easy these days to slip into a funk. Your daily regimen gets thrown off kilter because a few organic companies sold out to GMO Big Food industry giants and changed some of their major raw materials into synthetic, processed junk food fillers that break your system down, and fast. You read some interesting article from some major media source like a popular health magazine or a cooking show and you get off your clean food kick by accident, because you are misinformed about some "healthy food" that's not only NOT healthy, but ruins your digestion, immunity and cell repair abilities, and all that "healthy" talk you've been talking isn't "walking" anywhere but to the bathroom to try to excrete the chemicals from your vegetarian, vegan, or "devil in sheep's clothing" of a diet. Face it–your lifestyle has been altered, as in "gene altered" at the factory, and at the laboratory of food "science,...
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