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Showing posts from October 4, 2015

Forced Vaccinations at Gunpoint for ALL Adults in America?

  "If you Americans do not stand against this, it's over," continued Dr. Hieb, author of the new book Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare. "What liberty do you have if the federal government can force you to have a medical procedure, can force you to surrender your very body to their control? Answer: none. Because there is nothing that cannot be justified on the basis of 'the good of society.' The Jewish Holocaust, the Great Leap Forward, the killing of the Kulaks, American Eugenics, Tuskegee experimentation, the cold water experiments of Birkenau, Dachau and Auschwitz, all were justified at the time by their respective leaders as for the good of society." Learn more now:

Meet the world's most villainous pseudo-journalists that specialize in GMO rhetoric and attacking clean food activists

  There are conspiracy theorists, and then there are evil bastards that ruin good things on purpose. Corporations in America are quite nefarious and out of control, with millions and even billions of dollars available to spend fooling the public into consuming toxins posing as food and then consuming toxic medicine to quell the symptoms of disease and disorder stemming from the toxic food they were conned into eating in the first place. This is all planned out with elaborate schemes and manipulation and it runs deeper than most people can ever imagine, even the conspiracy theorists, who themselves, may be underestimating the power and insidious planning of corporations, PR firms, rogue journalists and even public scientists who would rather pad their pockets with crisp cash than do what's right and report the truth., an online news reporting firm that lies and lies and lies about GMOs and biotechnology has been in the spotlight of fraud and corpora...