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Showing posts from November 6, 2016

Election of Donald Trump proves that the power of the people can overcome corruption and a 'rigged' system

    The long, tiring and frustrating election season is finally over and it's been historic in its own right: GOP nominee Donald J. Trump's victor has proven once more that We the People are the real power brokers in the United States of America, not the corrupt, rigged system that was built by shady, crooked career politicians like Hillary Clinton and the fat cat donors who own them. It was an uphill battle all the way for Trump, who fought "the establishment" for every vote. The entire political machine consisting of both Democrats and Republicans, global corporations, foreign governments, and the lying mainstream media were aligned against him. Billions of dollars were spent trying to prevent him from winning the White House. And they all failed. That's because in the end, the American people rose up and chose a candidate that did not have a three-decade record of failure. Hillary Clinton has been in politics for more than 30 years but, as ...

Landslide victory MFs!!!

Today We the People are taking America back from the lawless, corrupt, incompetent criminals running Washington and the lying leftist media. We're going to start by rejecting Hillary Clinton and the entire corrupt political class, most of whom belong in prison , not in high office. Next, we're going to reverse the completely idiotic policies, executive orders and regulations of the lunatic leftists who have been running American into the ground for the last eight years. This effort is going to begin by completely repealing the disastrous, unconstitutional, ill-conceived health care fiasco known as "Obamacare." Crush the lying media Even while that's happening, we're going to turn off the lying leftist media and stop watching their state-run propaganda parading around as news. All the "fake news" organizations -- Associated Presstitutes, Reuters, CNN, MSNBC and the Huffington Post -- are going to find themselves plummeting in aud...

Landslide victory for Trump TONIGHT! Nothin' the Hitlery liars can do to stop it now.

Today may be your last chance to SELL EVERYTHING: 'Every asset will collapse' warns financial analyst

This is a red alert moment of action for all Natural News readers. For the last eight years, I've been warning you that the "big one" is coming from the stock market. I've told you how the quantitative easing (i.e. endless money printing) of the central banks was artificially pumping up the markets by flooding the system with fiat currency. I've urged you to get out of digital (fictional) assets by selling stocks and buying REAL assets that survive a market crash (such as physical gold, farm land with water, stored food, etc.). Today, I'm announcing a red alert warning: The big crash is likely to begin soon after the election , no matter who wins. I'm not the only one who sees this coming, either. "David Stockman warns both Trump and Clinton could lead to 25% sell-off," blares a CNBC headline : "The markets are hideously inflated," warned Stockman on CNBC's "Fast Money" this week. The former Director of the...