"Doctors Without Borders" bombed for challenging the TPP - Population Control Trade Agreement by Obama and Biotech
How did Hitler kill so many Jews in WWII and keep it quiet for so long? Answer: Experimental drugs, toxic vaccines, fluoridated water, experimental brain surgery, two bullets to the head, and of course, Zyklon B – the main chemical ingredient of the pesticide used for the gas chambers, which just so happens to be the same ingredient combination (add 2-4D and Glyphosate) infused in and sprayed onto US crops like corn, soy, canola and cottonseed. They call it GMO. The most effective and efficient technique developed for killing the Jews at Auschwitz depended on the same pesticide that was used to kill the lice in prisoners' clothing. Thanks to I.G. Farben, the disinfectant, sold under the trade name of Zyklon B, was in plentiful supply. Hitler and his Nazis (National Socialist Party) killed about three million Jews with pesticide. How many innocent people has "Agent Orange" genetically modified and pesticide-laden food killed? Since cancer in the U.S. kills ...