How great will your life be without cigarettes? Quit before New Year's with 14 & Out Natural Method!
Why do most nicotine related cessation programs fail? Nicotine gum delivers between 2 and 4 milligrams per piece. Nothing close to the amount received from smoking an ammonia-treated “cig.” The nicotine patches deliver less than 1 mg (between .5 and .9 mg) each hour, and that’s on a slow, fairly constant release into the blood. Again, nothing like the nicotine vapors in a commercial cigarette, which reach the heart and brain within 3 seconds. Medications like Chantix and Zyban do not contain nicotine at all, but block the brain’s receptors to it, creating a very dangerous “wall” which can also disrupt dopamine and serotonin from reaching proper regions in the brain. This is exactly why suicide is a side effect of these two prescription medicines ( Visualize the war that’s going on inside a smoker’s brain: Nicotine versus Dopamine. Natural fight or flight reactions are now becoming nervous disorders. Organic feelings and emotions about life in general become ...