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Showing posts from November 24, 2013

How great will your life be without cigarettes? Quit before New Year's with 14 & Out Natural Method!

Why do most nicotine related cessation programs fail? Nicotine gum delivers between 2 and 4 milligrams per piece. Nothing close to the amount received from smoking an ammonia-treated “cig.” The nicotine patches deliver less than 1 mg (between .5 and .9 mg) each hour, and that’s on a slow, fairly constant release into the blood. Again, nothing like the nicotine vapors in a commercial cigarette, which reach the heart and brain within 3 seconds. Medications like Chantix and Zyban do not contain nicotine at all, but block the brain’s receptors to it, creating a very dangerous “wall” which can also disrupt dopamine and serotonin from reaching proper regions in the brain. This is exactly why suicide is a side effect of these two prescription medicines ( Visualize the war that’s going on inside a smoker’s brain: Nicotine versus Dopamine. Natural fight or flight reactions are now becoming nervous disorders. Organic feelings and emotions about life in general become ...

Smear campaign on Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski continues even after several decades!

According to Natural News , the medical establishment in Texas refuses to give up its vicious agenda to destroy the work and career of Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, the famed cancer doctor who’s innovative and specialized antineoplaston treatments have helped cure many patients of supposedly "incurable" cancers. The Alliance for Natural Health has announced that the Texas Medical Board (TMB) is once again suing Dr. Burzynski to have his medical license revoked and his Houston, Tex.-based clinic shut down. TMB's war against Dr. Burzynski's cancer treatments dates back to the 1980s, when the group repeatedly accused him of breaking laws, some of which actually turned out to be nonexistent . To make a long story short, the group ultimately failed to destroy Dr. Burzynski, because, quite frankly, he had not broken any laws, and his treatments actually work. Dr. Burzynski's cancer protocols are diametrically opposed to conventional cancer treatments. He doe...

'Fake' Eggs to revolutionize cakes, mayo and dressings? Say it isn’t so!

According to Natural News , a radical "artificial egg" backed by Paypal billionaire Peter Thiel and Bill Gates has gone on sale in US supermarkets for the first time. Made from plants, it can replace eggs in everything from cakes to mayonnaise - without a chicken in the equation whatsoever. How many products will contain genetically modified "plant" eggs? What could you accidentally bake with this synthetic science mystery? Will you make cookies or brownies for the kids? Will you use some "bio" mayonnaise on your next sandwich, or will you pour some synthetic salad dressing on your greens? Will it be in all the pasta and bread or lumped into muffins for that "bouncy" quality that stays "fresh" so long? But will it really be so? Considering that GMOs are unlabeled in America, saying that it doesn't need to be listed in the ingredients means it's the most dangerous ingredient. Soon, aspartame will be in milk, unlabeled, ...

Just punch your social security number in “Pandora’s Box” – Obamacare “exchange” opens up millions of “glitches”

    How do you take 500 million lines of code and a website no more functional than a slow run mom-n-pop e-bay business, and con millions of Americans that somehow it’s going to be fixed next week? It’s like watching Chris Angel make something disappear on television, with some paid spectators and a couple good actors smiling in the background. This is the Obama presentation and ultimate promise of his whole career – that this website will work Nov 30 th , but the funny thing is, he just covers each busted lie with another lie that doesn’t seem so busted, until after the con is set. How will all the techies take that code and make it smooth? They won’t. They can’t. And people are going to load it up with their most private, confidential information which would only empower this corrupt administration later, when there are catastrophic “events” to manage, and we could be talking about health, new laws like NDAA II, DHS house visits/census, farm and garden inspections, ...

Ready to play "craps?" Flu shot propaganda in full swing for holiday season!

It must be the winter holiday season, because the push to poison Americans with flu shots is once again in full force. And, as usual, they are being sold as the ultimate public health and public safety tool, even though predicting which strain of flu is going to hit this year is a bit like guessing Powerball numbers. By the way...  flu shots still contain mercury! Learn more:  

ACAM – the antithesis of TED – finally a REAL group of physicians/clinicians who understand healing!

    The American College for the Advancement of Medicine, or ACAM, advance medicine lectures and interactive training DVD’s, may just be the most advanced and valuable medicine available today, according to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and Editor of Natural News.   “ ACAM practitioners, clinicians and lecturers have an absolute wealth of information on chelation therapies, heavy metals toxicity, Lyme disease, holistic psychiatric therapies, biotoxin illness (mold, yeast, etc.), electropollution, cellular energy production, vitamin therapies and much more.”   Sorry TED, this is not the “drug model” of medicine. ( )   Sorry TED, this is not a censoring of ideas by scien...