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Showing posts from April 26, 2015

Tony Abbot is pushing for forced-vaccination amongst all Australians. Why are HIS TWO DAUGHTERS "exempt" - is it because vaccines are toxic?

  According to Natural News , at the behest of the World Health Organization (WHO), the so-called "SAGE [Strategic Advisory Group of Experts] Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy" has put together a report for the United Nations arm outlining new strategies to convince more people to get vaccinated. And in this report, recommendations are made that the vaccine industry market its vaccines in the same way that fast food corporations market junk food products to children -- by appealing to emotion, telling fairy tales and ultimately deceiving consumers. No matter how much propaganda the vaccine-pushers force into the mainstream media these days, a large segment of the public simply isn't buying it. And this fact has prompted WHO to hire various teams of marketing consultants to come up with new ways to essentially trick people into getting jabbed, a laborious process that led WHO straight to the world's most disingenuous marketing gurus -- junk food companies! ...

AMA, CDC and ACSH Busted! The "Natural News Tracker" puts it all together - Medical Tyranny and Allopathic Reverse Psychology in USA

  Obviously, you already track Natural News if you're reading this, and that's good. How long have you tracked the Health Ranger and been a health enthusiast yourself? Do you know the history of "hidden" medicine in America , mainly the past century ? If you need a refresher test and you want to gauge yourself against the current events , here's your chance. Presenting the ten-question allopathic reverse psychology trivia revelations about the world around you. It's always good to know when companies and corporations are trying to hoodwink you using reverse psychology, so it's time for you to test your knowledge and learn what you REALLY need to know about the AMA , the CDC and the ACHS . After the test, we will visit the "2014 Awards Banquet" for the Chemical Industrial Complex and see what they've been up to lately. Here we go:   TEN QUESTION "Reverse Psychology" Test on Health News:   #1. How do you ruin a...

Our Government is a Corporation

"Our public schools who attempt to make vaccines a requirement for admission are also merely corporations listed on Dun and Bradstreet. As STATE LEGISLATORS (with no medical training) are being lobbied to revise state statutes to make it increasingly more difficult to opt out of mandatory vaccines, the vaccine-aware community needs a new approach. If the US Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights could protect us from mandatory vaccines, they would have stopped mandating them long ago. What we are now all experiencing is corporate statutory law (rules, regulations, fines, fees, etc) being enforced against the American population." For FULL coverage of this click here:

Gluten - Today's Toxic Food Is Like A WMHD - Weapon of Mass Health Destruction! - - Take the TWO WEEK Gluten Detox Challenge

  If you were told you couldn't go to the bathroom for 72 hours, what would happen. If you could not go "number 1" or "number 2" for three full days and nights, how would you feel? What would be going on inside your body while the food you ate rots and your cleansing organs can't be drained properly of not only food toxins, but chemicals that pose as food additives, preservatives, bleaches, dyes and artificial sweeteners? What kind of shape would your liver, kidneys and pancreas be in, not to mention your colon and bladder? Now take gluten for instance - - gluten can stop up your bowels for days. Sure, it doesn't keep you from urinating, but it can keep you from "number 2" for days, and any food inside your body, including organic, is stuck, decaying and turning to poison. Now let's talk about the toxins contained in most gluten - a.k.a. or better known as "toxic food glue."   Toxic Food-Glue Rotting in Your Intestinal...

BRAIN-KILLER WARNING! The Great Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says there's still dangerous levels of thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines, particularly the flu vaccine

  Remember JFK, that guy who promoted the ambitious "New Frontier" domestic program that promised federal funding for education? Remember the guy who abolished the federal death penalty, and who signed executive orders prohibiting racial discrimination? Well, his nephew, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., the son of the former NY senator, is an environmental activist and syndicated talk radio host who advocates renewable energy development and protects local waterways. In May of 2010, he was named "Hero for the Planet" by for his work restoring the Hudson River . ( )   Recently, he has brought to light a topic of great controversy in America : To vaccinate or NOT to vaccinate. He is warning Americans in this fight to keep California from becoming a tyrannical state that force-vaccinates its citizens in the name of Big Pharma profits. He compares the fight to the one Oregon won with ...