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Showing posts from September 1, 2013

What is the “polar opposite” of the TED conference? The upcoming 2013 Breakthrough Energy conference!

What is the “polar opposite” of the TED conference? The u pcoming 2013 Breakthrough Energy conference! Read all about it here   Let’s face it, there’s a big handful (the .01 percent) who want to rule the world and trash it for cash, and they are evil and more than useless. But we don’t need to concentrate on what they say, do, or want to do with all their money to defeat them, all we need to do is concentrate on the good plan, the ethical, moral, smart, and environmentally conscious plan, that protects humanity, thinking, free will, spirituality, hope, organic food, sustainable energy, sustainable technology, organic soil, organic “thinking” and liberty! This is how we should wake up thinking, and this is how we should go to be thinking. It’s not difficult, and now you can take part, either one way or another, in the evolution of revolution, the breakthrough energy conference in Colorado .   The collective consciousness is AWAKENING!   http://buzz....

Cucumber “lignans” fight cancer! Plus, cucumbers are 95% water, so it’s time to juice!

Who has heard of juicing vegetables? Is it only Natural News enthusiasts and raw foodists, or does the rest of the world know, but just don’t do it? Who even knows about the health benefits of cucumbers? There is a lot of news about them, and it’s worth reading right now. You can re-hydrate your body and fight off cancer the easy way, juicing and snacking on nature’s wholesome cucumbers, and I’m speaking of organic ones.   First order of business: If you don’t have a juicer, buy one. They can be inexpensive if you look in the right places, especially on line:   Second order of business: Juice organ...

The march against Monsanto highlights people's growing awareness towards GMO crops and their harmful effects!

  According to Natural News , the march against Monsanto has thrown light on two burning issues: firstly, the growing awareness of the people towards GMO foods and their harmful effects and, secondly, the non presence of the prominent media houses covering the incident is a harsh reminder of how the big corporations completely overlook the side effects of GMO crops. People not only took part in the march but spread the information via many social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Protest signs included language like: ·         "GMO? OMG! WTF?" ·         "BANISH MONSATAN" ·         "WILL WORK FOR GMO-FREE FOOD" ·         "MONSANTO IS EVIL SEED OF CORPORATE GREED" For more information, log onto: A new scientific paper publishe...

22 Reasons to Quit Smoking Forever: Natural News has the Natural Method - 14AndOut

Watch the preview by the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, or read these professional articles about the natural method that's saving thousands from the habit! quit Cigarettes in less than 14 days: There are roughly one million visitors every month on, and among those visitors, almost every person knows at least one smoker who would love to quit cigarettes for good. Also, every person in the world knows at least one person who is either battling cancer now or who has died from cancer, whether that person is/was a relative, neighbor, spouse, child, friend or coworker. Most people who die of lung cancer were either smokers or they lived with a smoker and inhaled the second hand smoke daily, which has proven to be just as deadly as smoking. Some people try to quit smoking using nicotine gum, some try to quit smoking using electronic cigarettes or “e-cigs,” some people try to stop smoking using medications like...

Zombie woman attacks McDonald’s drive thru for toxic McNuggett fix

  Food terrorism is a quiet storm that has buried its roots right here in America, but people are so distracted by Hollywood and fake wars in the Middle East that they don’t even realize the true horror stories unfold every day, at fast food restaurants, on school lunch trays, and in vaccines and prescription drugs. Some people are so addicted to food and medicine toxins that they will kill you for more. This was nearly the case at McDonald’s this week, where a woman who wishes she was a real zombie wanted to bite off the face of a drive through attendant who couldn’t give her chicken mcnuggets, because it was 10:30 am and they were only serving breakfast. Do you remember the zombie guy who was eating another man’s face in Miami about a year ago, and the police had to shoot him in the back and kill him before he literally ate the other man’s entire face off?   Here is new coverage of the zo...

Are you an “extremist?” Take the Natural News Quiz and figure it out now:

  I bet you are an extremist and you don’t even know it. Let me name a few dozen “normal” things you might be doing, have done, or plan to do in the near future, and you be the judge. I’ll bet you lunch that you are, in the new “definition” of extremist, at least bordering on being one. Scrub your own life recently against this short list. Take the “extremist” quiz now: Answer these questions in your own mind right now and you will know where you stand:   Do you …   Have an organic garden in your yard? How big is it? Is any food of any kind, including fruit trees or herbs, growing in your front yard?   Do you have a gun or guns that can fire 10 bullets quickly?   Do you post stuff on Youtube, Facebook or Twitter talking about stuff you hate, like war, crime, new laws, old laws, or do you ever skype with people in foreign countries? What about someone who lives in Europe or the Middle East ? Do you email anyone who lives in Russia...