What is the “polar opposite” of the TED conference? The upcoming 2013 Breakthrough Energy conference!
What is the “polar opposite” of the TED conference? The u pcoming 2013 Breakthrough Energy conference! Read all about it here Let’s face it, there’s a big handful (the .01 percent) who want to rule the world and trash it for cash, and they are evil and more than useless. But we don’t need to concentrate on what they say, do, or want to do with all their money to defeat them, all we need to do is concentrate on the good plan, the ethical, moral, smart, and environmentally conscious plan, that protects humanity, thinking, free will, spirituality, hope, organic food, sustainable energy, sustainable technology, organic soil, organic “thinking” and liberty! This is how we should wake up thinking, and this is how we should go to be thinking. It’s not difficult, and now you can take part, either one way or another, in the evolution of revolution, the breakthrough energy conference in Colorado . The collective consciousness is AWAKENING! http://buzz....