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The march against Monsanto highlights people's growing awareness towards GMO crops and their harmful effects!


According to Natural News, the march against Monsanto has thrown light on two burning issues: firstly, the growing awareness of the people towards GMO foods and their harmful effects and, secondly, the non presence of the prominent media houses covering the incident is a harsh reminder of how the big corporations completely overlook the side effects of GMO crops.

People not only took part in the march but spread the information via many social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Protest signs included language like:

·        "GMO? OMG! WTF?"




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A new scientific paper published in arXiv entitled “Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation,” which is co- authored by Silas Beane from the University of Bonn, throws light on how our universe is actually a grand computer simulation. This paper also supports the idea of a Creator who brought this universe -- and everything in it -- into existence by design.

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Dr. Eben Alexander, author of the newly-published book "Proof of Heaven," is of the opinion that, after an individual dies, his consciousness lives on, which transcends this physical reality and experiences an existence that is beyond human language and cannot be expressed in simple terms. This book too highlights the presence of the Creator and the Nature of Life. Although mainstream science still denies the existence of the Almighty, these books are delving deep into the issue and seek answers that are beyond human interpretation.

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the horrifying truth about the GMO crops issue and more, one can easily log onto:






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