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Showing posts from August 30, 2015

Fact: GMO BT-corn keeps creating pesticide in the HUMAN GUT - should Monsanto foot the bill for your sicknesses?

  Do you like making quack doctors rich? Keep eating GMO. Do you like feeling nauseous, weak and confused? Keep eating Monsanto's BT corn. Do you like it when you get a common cold or the flu, or some allergies and it turns into a sinus infection, bronchial infection or pneumonia? Keep eating pesticides that kill your good gut bacteria and destroy your immunity.   Seriously folks, we HAVE to pay close attention to everything we eat and stay informed via Natural Health News as to what products are bad and getting worse all the time for humans to consume. It's simply NOT THE SAME as when we adults were kids and when our parents were kids, especially. Hardly anyone is eating totally organic and from local, healthy farms. We're not like Europe where you walk down busy streets lined with fresh produce stands and vendors everywhere who DON'T use toxic pesticides, herbicides and insecticides on their food because they like to eat it too! Nobody wants to die ...