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Showing posts from May 26, 2013

It's "kill or be killed" when it comes to GMO: WWIII: War of Humans vs. Pesticides

If you have not already, Go 100% Organic NOW! This is the time. The corrupt forces of Big Agriculture and Big Pharma want your health, your money and your soul. They’re selling you corrupted food with DNA from insects, bacteria, viruses and chemicals have taken over the conventional food and water supply. The food is cheap and packaged well, and colored just right. The Medicine is a huge cover up, of the symptoms of disease that’s festering. The cumulative effect of GMO food is brewing a world of sickness. GMO food borne disease festers inside the organs of all animals that consume it. It burns your immunity. It disintegrates your gut flora and dissolves your digestive tract. The chemicals are burning a hole in world health. Western Medicine, untested pharmaceuticals, chemo and radiation are feeding the flames of a fire burning out of control. Don’t let your health burn. Wake up. Shape up. Get informed and stay informed. Share what you learn with everyone you can. Evolution is in ...

Is your “Poo Bear” honey really processed with aspartame and antibiotics and imported from China?

  Disney just has the cutest, most adorable characters for the kids, don’t they? It’s really neat how kids watch cartoons and movies and then want their parents to buy all the paraphernalia for transporting food drugs into their mouths. “Hey mom, let’s get the honey bear honey!” It’s great on GMO waffles with some pigfat butter. “Lets use the pink packet of sugar, it’s pretty.” Heck, if Mickey Mouse was allowed to smoke cigarettes, all the kids would be smoking by 8 years of age. The popular HONEY BEAR honey sells all over the world, because it’s such a neat little container, all clear so you can see the golden honey, and shaped like a bear you just squeeze a little for that great flavored honey that tastes just like honey, oddly, especially after it contains all those chemicals from a country that is dangerously polluted, across the environment and in factories, with horrific heavy metals and other toxins.   Maybe you didn’t hear that 70% of honey isn’t honey,...

Survival techniques gain more importance with the growing global crisis

  You may be content with the thought that the worst part of the global economic crisis is already over and the sunny days are back. The real news is that nothing can be further from the truth. Natural News terms the measures taken by the government of Cyprus in order to restrain the plummeting economy of the island country as the ‘great bank robbery,’ as many private savings account holders have been forced to incur great losses on their savings. It is now being reported that depositors across the debt stricken Europe now fear that their accounts might be the next target. This fear, when turned into a psychosis, is surely going to take down the whole European economy with everyone drawing money from the banks putting them out of business. Know more of this story at .   So, what is to be done in such a situation? It is quite obvious that a total collapse of the economy would bring the whole human ...