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Showing posts from January 31, 2016

The Quantum Physics of Quitting Smoking - How Will the Universe "React?"

  A natural news health investigator and reporter put it like this, " When the cells in our bodies are aligned with pure, healthy sources of information, we are healthy. Likewise when we are exposed to distorted information fields, we can experience ill-health if we don't remove the source of the distorted information."     Are your sources of information coming from healthy information fields or distorted information fields? That is the question of questions. What are examples of both? Your body takes information from food and decides if it can use it for energy, immunity and thought processes. Pure information then includes eating pure, natural, uncooked organic food and drinking pure filtered water or water straight from rock/mineral springs.   Whereas distorted information comes from distorted food sources, like junk-science food, mutated seeds that contain pesticides (GMO), bleached food (white foods like pasta, flour, bread, rice, sugar, e...

Organic food INVADED by Neotame – the toxic chemical sweetener that's MORE DANGEROUS than aspartame

  Rather than selling it directly to consumers as a tabletop sweetener, the makers of Neotame (Monsanto's NutraSweet Co.), the artificial sweetener that's 13,000 times sweeter than sugar, got FDA approval for use in any foods except for meat. Monsanto, the evil corporation that also makes aspartame, pushed hard and pushed fast for their marketing, and now it's showing up in tons of organic products. It takes 8,000 teaspoons of sugar to equal the sweetening strength of one teaspoon of neotame, and this "sweetness" deception does wonders to the human body, where it is fooled into believing it's eating something sweet, and thus CRAVING MORE food, more food, more sweets. Organic "sellout" companies across the globe are using lots of toxic fillers and sweeteners now in organic products to screw up the health of health-conscious consumers and to completely dilute the organic label. Companies are using organic soy, organic canola and artificial swe...

Smoking cigarettes, vaping or smoking pot – what are all the effects and what are "wise" choices?

  The effects of smoking cigarettes? This one's easy. Prolonged sicknesses. Undue anxiety. Chemically-induced depression. Bad breath. Bad teeth. Can't laugh hard without coughing. Can't enjoy athletic activities or working out. Shunned from public places. Waste of money. Waste of health. Plus, tobacco is genetically modified to contain pesticide. Need we go on?   The effects of vaping? Well, it hasn't been that long yet, only about 4-5 years since vaping hit the mass market, but most vape kits (electronic cigarettes) have minimal toxins compared to cigarettes, though Big Tobacco would have you believe differently. Sure, nicotine is bad but most people are only vaping a few milligrams, if any, and the rest is vegetable alcohol and flavors. Woopee. Plus, 60% of people who switch from cigarettes to vaping never go back to cigarettes again. How about those statistics!   The effects of pot, weed, marijuana, Mary Jane, spliffs, dope, cannabis, the ...