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Showing posts from June 18, 2017

Jeff Bezos to turn Whole Foods into a GMO retailing hub run by robots

Perhaps it’s all just irrational fear, but it has precedent in Bezos’ organizations. Bezos, after all, is into “drones and robots,” not human workers. If he can automate the humans out of Whole Foods Market, he’ll do so as quickly as possible. (Dang, there go the dreadlocks, nose piercings and neck tattoos on all the workers in the Austin Whole Foods!) On the other hand, there might very well be a lot of truth to the rumor. Bezos, after all, appears to be 100% pro-Monsanto and pro-GMO., after all, sells tens of thousands of food products made with unlabeled GMOs. His newspaper, the Washington Post, routinely promotes the interests of GMO and pesticide companies, attacking any concern about cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide as being “anti-science” or rooted in paranoia. Bezos doesn’t seem bothered one bit that the products he sells are poisoning his own customers and giving them cancer. To him, that’s just another business opportunity because Amazon is also getting in...

Severe childhood allergies to peanuts, eggs and dairy directly linked to ‘trace’ ingredients in common vaccines

  Have you read The Peanut Allergy Epidemic by historian Heather Fraser? She begins by asking us why the peanut allergy epidemic is only found in Western cultures, where at least 4 million people experience the mysterious phenomenon, yet there are virtually no reported cases in India, where peanuts just so happen to be the main ingredient in most baby food products. Consider this: one century ago, you couldn’t find anyone allergic to peanuts, but now it’s commonplace for parents to send EpiPens to school for the teacher and nurse to keep near to their children, just in case someone so much as opens a snack in the room that contains peanuts, or even if someone opens a food product that was so much as manufactured in “a facility that processes peanuts.” What’s wrong with the human body that it would go into anaphylactic shock from a seemingly harmless food ingredient that couldn’t harm a soul a hundred years ago? Today, peanuts cause the most common severe food allergy re...