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Jeff Bezos to turn Whole Foods into a GMO retailing hub run by robots

Perhaps it’s all just irrational fear, but it has precedent in Bezos’ organizations. Bezos, after all, is into “drones and robots,” not human workers. If he can automate the humans out of Whole Foods Market, he’ll do so as quickly as possible. (Dang, there go the dreadlocks, nose piercings and neck tattoos on all the workers in the Austin Whole Foods!)
On the other hand, there might very well be a lot of truth to the rumor. Bezos, after all, appears to be 100% pro-Monsanto and pro-GMO., after all, sells tens of thousands of food products made with unlabeled GMOs. His newspaper, the Washington Post, routinely promotes the interests of GMO and pesticide companies, attacking any concern about cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide as being “anti-science” or rooted in paranoia. Bezos doesn’t seem bothered one bit that the products he sells are poisoning his own customers and giving them cancer. To him, that’s just another business opportunity because Amazon is also getting into the pharmaceutical business, where he can earn profits selling customers the drugs used to treat the very diseases they acquired from eating weed killer-contaminated products they purchased from (glyphosate weedkiller is present in literally thousands of products sold by Amazon).

What isn’t a rumor is the fact that a pro-GMO globalist (Bezos) is now buying Whole Foods, a retailer whose customers despise GMOs and are counting on the retailer to label everything with its GMO status by 2018, just as the company promised in 2013. If Jeff Bezos reneges on that commitment, Whole Foods will betray its own customers and become a total joke to health-conscious consumers everywhere. The retailer will collapse, as it won’t really offer anything very different from shopping at Trader Joe’s or other retailers that are increasingly picking up non-GMO and organic products in a growing trend.

Jeff Bezos, in other words, could absolutely ruin Whole Foods Market… which won’t be hard, since Whole Foods management has nearly accomplished that task already. Far from making sure its products were clean and healthy, Whole Foods missed a huge opportunity years ago to conduct lab testing on its products and provide its customers with lab-validated products. Now, my own online store — the Health Ranger Store — is the only retailer that does that, and we continue to grow as a favorite online shopping destination for consumers who want lab-validated clean foods (rather than the illusion of clean foods offered by Whole Foods).

Jeff Bezos is a brutal capitalist, too, and that doesn’t sit will with the kind of progressives who frequent Whole Foods Market. Nearly the entire political Left in America today has rejected capitalism and prefers to embrace concepts like “community ownership” and “food co-ops” or even the idea that corporations only really exist to provide jobs to workers, not to innovate in ways that cause unemployment. Thus, the very philosophy of Whole Foods shoppers blatantly contradicts the business brutality of Jeff Bezos himself, an unapologetic capitalist and technology innovator who sees human employees as not merely expendable but undesirable. That’s why workers at warehouse describe their job hours as a “soul-crushing experience.”
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