Natural News Editor-in-Chief gives a detailed explanation of the ongoing “VACCINE PRISM”… Read to know more!
According to Natural News, Mike Adams (Editor in-Chief of NN) reveals the VACCINE PRISM – a detailed map of how the vaccine industry really works, who they pay off, who they have “in their pockets” and the regulatory agencies behind the scenes, working hard to keep us all sick and buying medicine that leads to health detriment and the spread of disease, even the preventable ones. This includes the whole cover-up of vaccine-damaged children and just HOW MUCH MONEY the secretive vaccine court has dished out in settlements to all these parents of vaccine-injured or even dead children. Talk about scary pictures! These kids have lesions and disfigurations from vaccines. No natural health enthusiast in the world denies the fact that antibiotics can save your life. The massive problem that exists today, especially in the USA , is that antibiotics are massively overused AND abused by several industries, not just the medical field. Antibiotics are found in nearly overdosing am...