Behind the "bars" of the CTP -- the "Commercial Tobacco Penitentiary" -- live 45 million Americans trapped in a prison of nicotine, pesticides, ammonia, bleach and fiberglass. When they smoked their first commercial cigarette, they had no idea that they were "incriminating" themselves and incarcerating their lungs in "solitary confinement," with no hope of escape, except for the ones who have the "blueprint" plan. There's a path out of the labyrinth, but not many prisoners know about it. It takes about 60 minutes to "follow the path" through the corridors, past the turnkeys and the screws, past even the warden himself, through the yard where the snipers can't see, down the road less traveled, right to freedom. Are you willing to go that extra "mile"? Do you have the willpower? There are three phases of preparation before your escape can begin. It's time to unravel the blueprint plan, in...
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