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Showing posts from March 6, 2016

Top 20 worst cigarette incidents

  Nobody has to tell you what can go wrong with smoking, but nobody ever really does, so we've chosen to now. Thought it might get your attention long enough to help you quit smoking, naturally of course. Instead of trying to put a jinx on anything good, let's put the reverse "jinx" on the bad stuff, and maybe that will invert your bad luck and turn it into the best luck you've ever had. There's no big intro needed here and there's not really anything more to say than ... welcome ... to your consideration, of the top 20 worst cigarette incidents, all of which you can avoid, by quitting the nasty habit. Here we go:   #1. You burn the house or apartment down with people in it.   2. You fall asleep with lit cigarette and get burned alive.   3. You burn your house down and survive, luckily.   4. You pluck the cigarette out the car window while driving and burn someone else's house to the ground, and never even know you cau...

Want to find out what's REALLY in your food? Check out the Health Ranger's NEW BOOK "Food Forensics"

  Want to find out what's REALLY in your food? Health Ranger's new book "Food Forensics" reveals everything! Heavy metals, pesticides and more... "Award-winning investigative journalist and activist Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger,” is founder and editor of, the number one most visited natural health website in the world. With more than 5 million unique visitors a month, is the trusted source for health information for countless readers. Now, in an industry first, Adams and his team put the things we eat every day under the microscope to expose the hidden truth about the contaminants in our foods."   Foods that Harm and Foods that Heal   Through incredible high-resolution microscope images, Food Forensics shows us what we can’t see on our own and test levels of lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and more in common foods and additives, from cereals, soups, and other pre-packaged meals to fast food and me...

Confidence without cigarettes - Read these fast facts then learn how

  This is not to scare anyone into quitting smoking, because that never works. Yet, knowledge is power, so instead of being afraid, you become empowered to drop the fear. Once you drop the fear of quitting, you will drop the habit for good, because you will know what you always wished you knew, since the first time you even THOUGHT about quitting. These are the fast facts compiled from over five years of research regarding the chemicals that make the smoking addiction so bad and so chronic. You can stop covering your eyes and ears because the truth only "stings" for a minute or two, but then the reward for putting knowledge to work for you is amazing. You are talented, smart, and NEVER limited to what you can achieve. Get the facts, then act! Here we go:   Top 25 cigarette fast facts that will make you QUIT:   Fast Fact #1 : Most tobacco in the US is genetically modified in laboratories to contain toxic pesticides that kill insects, such as horn worm...

4.5 Trillion Cigarette Butts Littered Each Year Around the World - There's One WAY to Solve it

    How do you bring to a grinding halt the annual littering of 4.5 trillion cigarette filters on planet Earth? Get everyone to quit. Sure, only half even want to quit, and half of those who do quit go right back within six months, statistics show. And even if you do quit, if you keep on eating fast food, artificial sweeteners, gluten, MSG, and drinking tap water with added fluoride for your teeth, you will still become the cancer-ridden corpse that you were "bee-lining" for anyhow. So what to do about all these clones and filters? Tell them how to quit, so 22,500,000 Americans can fix their life, and add ten to twenty years to it, fun loving years too, where you still workout, play, have sex, can remember what your relatives look like, can cook and eat your own food, grow a garden, travel, drive a car, and yes, all without ever smoking one single cigarette. Because let's face it, why the hell would you?   4.5 Trillion Cigarette Butts   Cigaret...