Nobody has to tell you what can go wrong with smoking, but nobody ever really does, so we've chosen to now. Thought it might get your attention long enough to help you quit smoking, naturally of course. Instead of trying to put a jinx on anything good, let's put the reverse "jinx" on the bad stuff, and maybe that will invert your bad luck and turn it into the best luck you've ever had. There's no big intro needed here and there's not really anything more to say than ... welcome ... to your consideration, of the top 20 worst cigarette incidents, all of which you can avoid, by quitting the nasty habit. Here we go: #1. You burn the house or apartment down with people in it. 2. You fall asleep with lit cigarette and get burned alive. 3. You burn your house down and survive, luckily. 4. You pluck the cigarette out the car window while driving and burn someone else's house to the ground, and never even know you cau...
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