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Showing posts from December 16, 2018

Exactly WHY hemp has been ILLEGAL for 50 years in the USA

Hemp is a very durable, renewable, and sustainable natural fiber that functions as a raw material for thousands of products. The problem? Hemp undermines massive capitalistic, monopolistic industries that don't want any competition, and the US government has pretended that hemp is the same pot for 50 years, fooling nearly all Americans into believing that if hemp is legal, everybody will get stoned all day and nobody will go to work and pay taxes. That's why the federal government and Congress classified hemp as a schedule 1 controlled substance , so nobody would know the difference and raise hell about it. In fact, the USA is the only developed nation that doesn't cultivate industrial hemp. Get it straight. The function, application, and cultivation of hemp is nothing like that of marijuana. When growing "pot" the female plants are spaced apart well, and the male plants are destroyed so they don't seed the female plants, which would make them less...

PROOF: Flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in the history of the world

Republished with consent from Mike Adams, Health Ranger of Natural Authored by Mike Adams: "As one of the very few independent voices willing to stand up against the scientific dogma of our modern medical regime, I’ve long felt a need to communicate the dangers of flu shots to the public so that people can have better information to prevent vaccine injuries and save lives. This doesn’t mean I’m opposed to the theory of vaccination, by the way. In fact, I’m the author of  A Blueprint for Safer Vaccines , an audio guide to saving lives and preventing vaccine injuries and deaths. To my knowledge, I’m the only independent journalist in the world who is scientifically trained to run an  atomic mass spectrometry laboratory , which I’ve been running for over three years now and testing the heavy metals content of organic superfoods like cacao, common vaccines as well as  the ability of water filters to remove toxic heavy metals . I’m the creator o...

New Year's Resolution -- Quit Smoking!!

Learn how in just 10 minutes . Even if you switch to vaping first, you'll be better off, and I can show you how to ween off the nicotine and be free forever!! Watch this and you got it! STOP SMOKING NOW - CLICK HERE