Most people are not born with diseases and disorders, they are acquired over time from the consumption of chemicals, whether by food, water, skin application, inhalation, or injection. Even autism is a disorder that develops during the first few years of life. Cancer is a disorder of the cells where good cells mutate, multiply uncontrollably, and eventually attack the good cells. Dementia and strokes stem from eating animal fat and canola oil for years, as they clog your veins and arteries, cutting off oxygen and blood flow to the brain. So how can all this be “planned” health detriment by some pharma gurus and rogue scientists? Easy – chemicals are used in processed foods to make them addicting, to preserve them for profits, and to drive consumers to the doctor’s offices and hospitals for treatments, which all come in the form of surgery and more chemicals. Plus, most prescription medications in America are also addicting, such as opiate-based drugs, fueling the vicious c...
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