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Big Pharma’s top 12 money-making CAUSES of disease in America

Most people are not born with diseases and disorders, they are acquired over time from the consumption of chemicals, whether by food, water, skin application, inhalation, or injection. Even autism is a disorder that develops during the first few years of life.

Cancer is a disorder of the cells where good cells mutate, multiply uncontrollably, and eventually attack the good cells. Dementia and strokes stem from eating animal fat and canola oil for years, as they clog your veins and arteries, cutting off oxygen and blood flow to the brain. So how can all this be “planned” health detriment by some pharma gurus and rogue scientists? Easy – chemicals are used in processed foods to make them addicting, to preserve them for profits, and to drive consumers to the doctor’s offices and hospitals for treatments, which all come in the form of surgery and more chemicals.

Plus, most prescription medications in America are also addicting, such as opiate-based drugs, fueling the vicious cycle of “unsolvable” chronic sick care and the institutions that propagate the whole insidious agenda. This is no conspiracy theory and requires careful consideration.

Big Pharma’s top 12 health-crippling bread winners

Yes, Big Pharma has their hands deep into creating and manipulating the food, beverage, and candy industries. All of this ensures more “clients for life” – people who don’t believe that their medical doctors ignorance in nutrition fuels the fire of all their health woes. Let’s take an inside look at the chemicals that fuel the broken conventional food industry and chronic-sick-care system of America. 
  1. Chemicals in food – There are artificial colorings that come from the industrialized petroleum industry that cause hyperactivity and cancer. There’s a vapor-constituent of gasoline, called hexane, used to process most cooking oils, including canola and grape seed oil. There’s monosodium glutamate (MSG), a genetically modified concentrated salt that causes migraines so bad for infants that it can cause brain damage. There’s ammonia in most conventional meats because the CAFOs are so infested with bacteria and viruses that ammonia is needed to treat it before it all reaches human mouths. Artificial sweeteners Aspartame and Sucralose cause cancer, irritable bowels, weight gain, and anxiety. Most white foods are bleached white and cause cancer of the bladder, pancreas, and prostate. Then, of course, there are also GMOs.
  2. Vaccines – ‘Immunizations’ are the “holy grail” of Western Medicine, yet they’re actually the most dangerous, untested, experimental medicine of all. Little do most Americans realize other animal’s infected blood cells are being injected into their muscle tissue, along with cancerous viruses, genetically modified bacteria, and abortion cells.
  3. ADD/ADHD medications – If you think about it, everyone has ADD and ADHD after eating lots of sugar (think HFCS), artificial food coloring, and then forced to listen to boring curriculum at school or dumbed-down instructions at work meetings. The whole diagnosis is a scam to get people thinking their chemical imbalance is genetic instead of induced by the food chemicals they’re consuming daily.
  4. Amalgam dental fillings – Mercury, even at miniscule amounts, causes neurological damage and dissolves brain tissue. Dentists know this, as well as doctors who recommend the mercury-loaded flu shots for pregnant women and 6-month-young infants.
  5. Unnecessary surgeries: These include tonsil removal, deviated septum, wisdom teeth removal, gall bladder removal – huge money makers for pharma and the U.S. sick care complex.
  6. Over-the-counter medications – these are chock full of artificial coloring and artificial sweeteners, causing inflammation, headaches, stomach aches, diarrhea, and eventually cancer.
  7. Aspirin-a-day hoax – This is the dumbest advice any doctor ever gave any patient. Aspirin pollutes your liver, kidneys, and pancreas, and leads to the breakdown and eventual failure of vital organs you can’t live without.
  8. Blood thinners – These chemicals completely deplete nutrients in the human body, fuel cancer cells, and destroy the immune system, creating an environment in the blood that welcomes nearly every disease and disorder known to man.
  9. Cholesterol medications (statins) – What a total crock. Doctors tell people who daily eat sausages, deli meats, processed dairy products, canola oil and vegetable shortening that their cholesterol problem is genetic and inherited from their parents, so the only way it can be “managed” is with chemical prescription medications, that come with side effects worse than the condition being treated. Thanks quacks.
  10. High blood pressure medications – Again, simply switch to an organic, plant-based diet and watch that “genetic” blood pressure problem dissipate like spilled water in the Sahara.
  11. Opium-based pain killers – Most pain killers people take for arthritis, osteoporosis, post-surgery pain, nerve pain, and a million other reasons, all come from heroin and are the most addicting and dangerous medications you can take, and all the medical doctors know it (but they push them anyway for the money). Check out the 10 most addictive opiates right here.
  12. SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) – Want your depression or anxiety to become intolerable, to the point where you consider suicide and homicide? Nobody does, but that’s exactly what these experimental drugs do to people. SSRIs cut off the body’s normal production of serotonin (lack of this causes anxiety) and dopamine (lack of this causes depression), and scientists arrogantly think they can manipulate your nerve impulses in your brain with chemicals – and they’re all dead wrong. Nearly every mass shooting over the past two decades has been committed by someone taking SSRIs. That’s a cold hard fact and Big Pharma will never let the mass media cover it, because they are the sponsors of the news itself. Get it?
Tune into for more updates on how chemicals cause disease and disorder rather than treat or cure them.

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