No wonder there's so much PREVENTABLE disease occurring in the United States today. People are obese, sick, suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer and fighting off heart attacks and diabetes, as if these diseases were commonplace 100 years ago, but they weren't. People are convinced by MDs that their problems are genetic or due to weak organs, weak cells, or bad blood. People are conned into eating the same dangerous foods for years because MDs refuse to recommend organic food as medicine and supplements for the nutrients we rarely see in common foods, like Superfoods and herbal tinctures. And it's not just about preventable disease either. It's about feeling good, being creative, thinking outside the box, deep thinking, meditation, and thriving in the face of adversity, but eating all the wrong foods, taking synthetic medications, and drinking tap water WILL lead you to an early grave. So what to do? Start by asking yourself HOW y...
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