No wonder there's so much
PREVENTABLE disease occurring in the United States today. People are obese, sick, suffering from arthritis,
osteoporosis and cancer and fighting off heart attacks and diabetes, as if
these diseases were commonplace 100 years ago, but they weren't.
People are convinced by MDs that
their problems are genetic or due to weak organs, weak cells, or bad blood.
People are conned into eating the same dangerous foods for years because MDs
refuse to recommend organic food as medicine and supplements for the nutrients
we rarely see in common foods, like Superfoods and herbal tinctures.
And it's not just about
preventable disease either. It's about feeling good, being creative, thinking
outside the box, deep thinking, meditation, and thriving in the face of
adversity, but eating all the wrong foods, taking synthetic medications, and
drinking tap water WILL lead you to an early grave. So what to do? Start by
asking yourself HOW you feel right now? How did you feel when you woke up this
morning. How productive is your life, your daily life? How creative and
inspiring is it and how much love do you give to those who add to the
environment around you?
If you feed your organs junk food,
processed and GMO food in the morning, you could be driving your whole system
towards a cliff (health cliff). Do you eat gluten biscuits, bread, and cereal?
If breakfast is your biggest meal of the day, you really need to take heed of
what you consume? Are they empty calories, conventional meats and sugary
drinks? Tell me you don't ever eat artificial sweeteners! No wonder you can't
lose that unnecessary weight. Those are poison.
Learn About the Power of
Nutrients Now
Certain nutrients have been shown
to minimize and even eliminate carbohydrate cravings when taken in supplement
form. Glutamine is an amino acid that helps with your metabolism. If you lack
glutamine, your brain resorts to glucose for fuel, triggering cravings for
carbs and sugary food. Glutamine reaches the brain in minutes and can satisfy
that craving - which is simply your body's need for fuel!
Magnesium is an abundant mineral in your body and is a
co-factor in more than 300 biochemical reactions. It regulates insulin
sensitivity too, according to recent studies. Dietary magnesium could improve
insulin resistance among non-diabetic subjects. Since poor insulin health is
directly related to carbohydrate
cravings, it isn't surprising that sufficient magnesium supplementation can
help end them.
Chromium is an essential trace mineral that
assists your glucose metabolism. This too can diminish carb cravings according
to a study published in 2008 that showed overweight subjects who supplement
with chromium picolinate, one of the best chromium supplements, improved
glycemic control.
You too could be TACKLING CARB
CRAVINGS. Find out more on Natural Health News right now and make that change
and adjust yourself to your own ideal weight and health. Filter all chemicals
from your daily food and find out real research on top supplements you need to
round off your whole food, organic food intake daily!
Learn more:
Learn more:
Don't Eat Cancer: Modern Day Cancer Prevention
book now being translated into Chinese!
It's getting great reviews on Amazon. This is how and why the
world is quickly figuring out exactly what foods, drinks and personal care
products cause cancer. Get informed and live long and prosper!