Step into a smokers shoes, if you are not one, and imagine what they are dealing with. They have a choice to make, but it's not very simple. They have to know how to quit smoking, not just entertain their "will power" or desire to nix the nicotine fits. There's one way that's working for thousands of people around the world, but it's best to know the top ten reasons to quit smoking first, so we cover those now for Natural Health News enthusiasts and smokers alike. Top Ten Reasons to Quit Smoking: #1. You'll be worth $500,000 more in twenty years if you quit today. When you add up typical medical bills, teeth whiteners, laundry bills, the cost of cigarettes and lighters, cost of cleaning the home, and more, you quickly reach the cost of half a million dollars. Even if you die in debt, you could have gifted that money to your kids, your siblings or charity, but it is wasted on twenty years of smoking commercial cigarettes instead....
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