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4.5 Trillion Cigarette Butts Littered Each Year Around the World - There's One WAY to Solve it


How do you bring to a grinding halt the annual littering of 4.5 trillion cigarette filters on planet Earth? Get everyone to quit. Sure, only half even want to quit, and half of those who do quit go right back within six months, statistics show. And even if you do quit, if you keep on eating fast food, artificial sweeteners, gluten, MSG, and drinking tap water with added fluoride for your teeth, you will still become the cancer-ridden corpse that you were "bee-lining" for anyhow. So what to do about all these clones and filters? Tell them how to quit, so 22,500,000 Americans can fix their life, and add ten to twenty years to it, fun loving years too, where you still workout, play, have sex, can remember what your relatives look like, can cook and eat your own food, grow a garden, travel, drive a car, and yes, all without ever smoking one single cigarette. Because let's face it, why the hell would you?


4.5 Trillion Cigarette Butts


Cigarettes add to chaos. They pollute the waterways, the vegetation, the parks and the schools, and they pollute the mind, with anxiety, needless worry, negativity and sadness. Chemicals promote CNS disruptions and the ability of the body to produce serotonin and dopamine. These feel good chemicals can only be artificially stimulated for SO LONG before your body stops doing the job altogether.


When you see the litter, when you see someone pluck a lit cigarette out of the car on the highway and it blows into the brush, still lit ... when you see a pile of cigarette butts at the beach from someone's car ashtray they dumped out, that's when you SEE the habit at its worst, when it's not just affecting the person who is participating in their own health negligence, but you see how it affects all of society as a whole. The entire planet Earth is organic and whole, yet these chemicals and fiberglass filled cigarette butts litter the grounds at over 4 trillion a year. Solve your smoking problem. Solve the world's problem with you. Solve the problems you have with the world. Become whole again. Become organic. You were born organic, what happened? The hook of cigarettes got a hold of you somewhere, sometime. A vicious cycle grabbed your spirit, your aura, and dampened it. Cigarettes rained on the parade of your life. Bring back the sunshine. End this habit once and for all, and do it using a natural method that doesn't even require any medication, nicotine, patches, pills, gum, none of that! Don't add to the chaos cigarettes cause, end the addiction. Here's how ...

This is your cigarette escape plan. Don’t let anyone steal it from you or convince you otherwise. This is a natural plan. No meds, no side effects, no crazy withdrawals. To preview the secrets of the natural program, watch the free trailer presented by the Health Ranger himself, Mike Adams, Editor and Founder of 14AndOut–Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days!







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