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Most Americans are too brain damaged from food and medicine toxins to discuss this ...

Not only does the FDA refuse to test food toxins for safety, but they never test them in combination to find out how they may be damaging Americans' ability to think. Medical doctors go to college for at least eight years to study how different prescription medications can or cannot be combined, due to the dangers of blood toxicity or brain damage, but they never study food chemicals. In fact, they don't even study how food chemicals affect prescription drug chemicals. Go figure!

Some food chemicals are more dangerous than the chemicals found in medications and vaccines. Aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG) are both genetically modified neurotoxins and should be classified as narcotics, but they're not. These food toxins cause brain fog, headaches, anxiety and depression, but MDs don't even mention them when prescribing dangerous SSRIs for anxiety and depression.

So, what happens when all of these toxins are consumed at the same time? Plenty of people take depression and/or anxiety medications, drink diet sodas, chew "sugar-free" gum and then eat conventional soups, chips and Chinese food that are often loaded with excitotoxins – a formula for health detriment, brain damage and serious side effects. Don't even start talking about sodium fluoride in tap water either, which lowers IQ and the ability to engage in cognitive considerations about toxic food and toxic medications.

What better way to keep the population weak, dumbed-down and subservient to tyrannical government than to poison the food?

Hitler put fluoride in the water for the Jews to drink so they'd be weak and couldn't rebel. He surely did. That's the same chemical put in America's municipal taps today. It lowers IQ – as proven in multiple long-term research studies.

The American "cannons" (core curriculum) in public schools have all but eliminated critical thinking skills, discussions and essays, and replaced all testing with multiple choice, easy-to-grade, dumbed-down learning. Most schools teach rote memorization of distorted "facts" about history, the economy and even Western food and medicine. School served breakfasts and lunches are 95 percent GMO, processed, toxic foods. The CDC's mass inoculation scheme demands all children be injected with brain damaging neurotoxins (49 jabs by age 6) over and over, and now 1 in 68 kids have autism.

What happens when you combine school food, toxic vaccines, flu shots, fluoride-loaded tap water and dangerous, chemical-based prescription medications? Nobody knows. It's never been tested. Probably won't ever be. What's the solution? How do we reclaim our brains and our children's brains? We filter all the toxins from our daily lives – that's how.

Top brain-damaging toxins to begin filtering out NOW!

Here's the "hit list" of top concern. Filter them out now while you can still comprehend the difference between food and poison.

Fluoride in tap water: Look into a Big Berkey water filter – it's the best for your money, and filters fluoride, heavy metal toxins, chlorine, other people's medications, pathogens, etc.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG): Never eat this neurotoxic, brain-damaging, genetically modified and concentrated spicy salt substitute. Causes brain damage in infants and unbearable migraine headaches in children, teens and adults.

Aspartame, sucralose, sorbitol, saccharine, acesulfame potassium: These are all synthetic, IBS-causing, neurotoxic artificial sweeteners designed to make humans sick and fat.

Diacetyl: This synthetic artificial butter flavoring is often added to microwave popcorn. Able to cross the blood-brain barrier, this food additive nightmare causes beta-amyloid clumping associated with Alzheimer's disease. You may not see the word diacetyl, so just look for "artificial butter flavor" and you'll know.

Aluminum: Found in pots and pans, antacids, vaccines and flu shots, tap water, baking powder, deodorants and antiperspirants, and most food imported from China, whether organic or not. Causes Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other dementia disorders. Aluminum fluoride is the compound often found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.

Mercury, (listed as thimerosal), aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG: all very common ingredients in vaccines and flu shots.

GMO foods: These foods contain pesticides and herbicides that damage the human brain!

SSRIs – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: These dangerous, experimental, untested drugs block/disrupt your serotonin production and attempt to control it unnaturally. These drugs can lead to unnatural thoughts like homicide and suicide, and eventually, those acts themselves.

Also watch out for toxins in common candles, air fresheners, antibacterial sprays, flea-killing carpet bombs, and the toxins when you first get into a hot vehicle.

The good news is that you can reverse most kinds of damage, improve brain function, and sharpen your memory, if you stop consuming toxins and start eating superfoods, like maca, mucuna, medicinal mushrooms like chaga, goji berries, organic raw seeds and nuts, hemp seed oil (high in omega 3s) and much more.

Remember, you are what you eat, so if you eat junk food all the time, you're going to experience "junk" brain: brain fog, confusion, depression and anxiety. So, eat organics, superfoods and clean foods, and experience organic thinking, super brain power and clean thoughts that help you reach your goals and experience your dream life. Billions of brain cells and enzymes are waiting for you to simply flip on the switch!

Sources for this article include:[PDF]

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