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Jade Helm 15 and the A1-Terminator Scenarios are Playing Out Across America right now!

According to NaturalNews, on The Daily Sheeple news website, a poster going by the handle of Level9News has posted a 38-minute YouTube video explaining why she believes that JADE Helm is an AI-centric exercise.

It's possible, say analysts who believe that JADE is an acronym for a Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)-developed AI quantum computing technology that is capable of producing holographic battlefield simulations. The technology, they say, is heading up the drill in order to "master the human" domain and learn to predict human responses.

She begins by noting that Raytheon, one of the world's largest defense contractors, has a program called BBN Technologies, which, according to Level9News, is essentially "innovation on demand."

According to the BBN Technologies site:

Raytheon BBN Technologies is one of Raytheon's premier research and development centers. Our diverse research portfolio combines the best technologies to deliver innovative, custom solutions with real-world benefit.

-- Our world-class quantum research team is enabling next generation quantum sensing, quantum communications, and quantum computing.

-- BBN's multi-sensor processing systems are in use in the U.S Navy, the UK Royal Air Force and the Canadian Navy.

-- Our software has been a major part of every generation of North American tactical IP military network.

-- We continue to lead in speech recognition technology, making dramatic improvements in accuracy.

"If you've been wondering why the NSA is collecting all of your voice communications, this is why," Level9News said.

Under the headline "Rise of the Machines," she wrote that JADE is simply AI quantum computing technology that can produce the holographic battle simulations and, in addition, "has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations" as a means of identifying and eliminating targets -- insurgents, rebels or "whatever labels that can be flagged as targets in a Global Information Grid for Network Centric Warfare environments."

For more information, log onto:

Some believe that the rollout of drones on the battlefield (and in American cities) means that human elements are going to be combined with AI computers to conduct operations. They also say that weaponized robots are not going to be far behind. Equipped with AI, such robots will be capable of learning as they go, eventually taking the decision-making out of the hands of humans.

It is very much like the "Skynet" system of AI and weaponized robots portrayed in the Terminator movie series, say some experts.

Clearly, artificial intelligence research is ongoing. In one recent study conducted by Google scientists, an AI bot was asked a series of questions regarding morality, ethics and human existence.

The research -- "conversational modeling" -- was designed to assist the AI bot with "learning" responses through human interaction.

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the truth about Jade Helm 15 and the A1-Terminator scenarios, one can easily log onto:





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