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Anyone who saw Terminator I - knows that “SkyNet” is real right now, so what is next for computers running Earth?



There is a flash-forward scene in the first “Terminator” movie Arnold Schwarzenegger stars in that makes your skin crawl. It will send a shiver down your spine, the first time you see it, especially if you’re in a movie theatre with surround sound and captivated by it. The scene is of huge drones flying at night, using infrared, and shooting “rebels” on the ground with perfect precision, heat tracing their fire and blowing up everything that moves in the “districts” they completely control, and even in the slums where the “infidels” are hiding, near starving children and freezing families. Everywhere is a war zone.


Then Schwarzenegger, the terminator, lands on Earth. He is the human robot who can outsmart and out-track nearly every human, except John Connor and his mother Sarah.


Now, why on “earth” would robots turn and attack humans or better yet, why would robots try to fix humans against their will? Sounds ethical, like the robots are programmed to know what is “GOOD” for the humans. What is right? How do you fix the human race, the land, the food, the medicine, and how do you get it done, against their will, because the majority of them don’t seem to care what earth looks like, or if resources run out, or if animals become extinct. No, they’re just worried about who sent them a message on their cordless message box, and they’re just worried about whether they have to spend $4 or $5 to get a happy meal of high fructose corn syrup, GMO potatoes cooked in GMO hydrogenated oil, with a sandwich made from abused animals. The humans need to be fixed, but who’s gonna do it? Bill Gates and the “Gates Foundation?” TED? Bilderberg? What meeting of the minds of Monsanto is going to program the computers to run the humans, and what program will be written in the code?


Will hackers be able to hack the “GATES” code and save the non-greedy humans, or all of the humans? Will resources run out for the computers too? Do computers get cancer or “viruses” that need “vaccinations?” Will resources run out for the computers too? Fiction could be real right now. Maybe the code is written but the computers aren’t all “linked up” yet to the “mother ship.”


Read this book for more similarities between fiction and reality:


Natural News enthusiasts are watching it unfold, this “science fiction” thing because maybe it’s actually happening now. Remember, drones are going to be delivering the mail to your front porch via Amazon, and the cameras on street corners and under traffic signals will multiply into neighborhoods and zoom in on your house. And don’t forget, your smart meter is listening to your “home” and your smart TV is grabbing shadows from your living room at night, maybe using INFRA RED technology.


Mike Adams the Health Ranger spells it out clearly in this coverage:


Our civilization is … “on the path of self-destruction through dangerous nuclear power technologies, the massive global release of toxic chemicals, global genetic pollution risks from GMOs, the mass poisoning of the public water supply with industrial chemicals falsely labeled "fluoride," and even the mindless promotion of chemical prescription drugs that sap human ingenuity, creativity and happiness.


Have you heard of the self-replicating physical virus?!

Learn more:


Why did Building 7 collapse on 9/11 implosion style? Was this the beginning of instilling enough FEAR in Americans that the Constitution could be crippled (with the Patriot Act and NDAA) to get the masses ready for the physical “virus” that NSA will pretend to defend humanity against, while they lose control of it? Is this preparation for the “machine takeover?” These are questions people are thinking of, and then asking YouTube: (








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