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Top 10 Toxic Food and Medicine Mysteries Solved

Look, over there, you've been hoodwinked! There's a huge HEALTH distraction and you can't miss it. It's advertised well. It says it's "proven safe and effective" and it's even approved by the FDA, the Fraud and Drug Administration.


For 100 years now, since 1915, the AMA, American Medical Association, has been suppressing vitamin and mineral cures for 900 different nutrient "deficiency" diseases. Did you know?

Since WWII, pharmaceutical corporations have been designing chemical medicine to ward off the symptoms of "toxic food disease," also known as cancer and Alzheimer's, those diseases where the cells, the brain, the filtering organs and the central nervous system just can't process anymore pesticide, so they break down and fail.


After World War II, food processing plants became abundant in Eastern cities and people moved near them for work. And so, processing "cancer" food was our "great" industrial nation that was heading for full-blown epidemics of preventable diseases, mind you, that never used to afflict entire nations before. The US basically invented (preventable) epidemics.


America, land of the free, home of the sick and wondering. So many myths were perpetuated in the mid-to-late 1900s, like milk is good for strong bones and meat contains the most necessary proteins.


Over 270 million people bought the MYTH. Are you burning the candle at both ends - with bad food and bad medicine? Take the ten question toxic food trivia quiz, study the answers, and change your life. Here we go, starting from question number ten:





Question  #10. There's no such thing as a natural canola plant, so what the heck is canola oil?


Is the word-pair "Organic canola" an oxymoron? Do you know the story? - The truth about how canola is made? Canola is rapeseed oil with less erucic acid. Erucic acid is a long-chain fatty acid. This acid is toxic to humans. No human can eat rapeseed regularly and live.


There never was a canola plant, fruit or seed in nature. You couldn't go out in a field and pick canola. Canola was designed in a lab and flies under the radar of most health enthusiasts who fall for the scam.


Did you know that bio-diesel is also derived from rapeseed? Wait, did you think there was a canola plant, like corn, soy or sunflower?


Rape is actually a weed and even insects won't eat it, so why are millions of people eating canola every day whether it's organic or not?

Canola oil, organic or not, inhibits enzyme function.

Are you suffering from fibrotic heart lesions? Want to put a "hex" on your food? Insert hexane, the vapor component of gasoline used to process oils like canola. Hexane is flammable.

Are you flame retardant?







#9. Aspartame causes central nervous system disturbances and disorders - why?


Inside the body, aspartame is converted into formaldehyde, a cancer-causing chemical used to embalm dead people. Are you dead yet? Probably not, since you're still reading this.


Aspartame is composed of three compounds and is a synergistically toxic chemical, meaning the sum of its individual parts is exponentially more toxic than each one by itself.


Two of the three main constituents found in aspartame -- phenylalanine and methanol -- are toxic in their own right.

Free methanol turns into formic acid upon consumption. Unlike the methanol found in alcoholic beverages and various fruits and vegetables, the methanol produced by aspartame is not accompanied by ethanol, which acts as a protector against methanol poisoning.


Methanol embalms living tissues and damages DNA. Ever heard of leukemia, obesity and metabolic syndrome?

Aspartame promotes weight gain in ways unrelated to caloric intake. Beware.

Aspartame alters the body's natural production of hormones, increasing both appetite and sugar cravings.




#8. Where does MSG, monosodium glutamate, come from and why does it give so many millions of Americans migraine headaches?


Monosodium Glutamate, better known as MSG, is a form of concentrated salt added to foods to enhance the flavor.


The MSG we find on store shelves is processed and comes from fermented sugar beets. Those sugar beets are GMO, genetically modified to contain pesticide.


MSG is known to many to cause adverse reactions, including skin rashes, itching, hives, nausea, vomiting, migraine headaches, asthma, heart irregularities, depression and even seizures (

MSG has sister or "cousin" A.K.A. names:  Autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, maltodextrin, hydrolyzed protein, sodium caseinate, mono-potassium glutamate, and textured protein.


Consumers who are watching out for monosodium glutamate in long ingredients lists usually don't know the aliases, but should.

Because MSG is so cheap, the food industry can use much lower quality foods and simply add MSG as a flavor enhancer.


Monsanto, the giant biotech company that creates genetically modified corn, soy and canola, also controls more than 90% of the sugar beet industry; therefore, MSG contains the gene of the pesticide Roundup.


Consumers who don't filter MSG out of their diet are catching a double dose of toxicity!





#7. Why is Sorbitol, the synthetic sweetener, added to vaccines?


Sorbitol is a synthetic sweetener that metabolizes very slowly, aggravating IBS and gastrointestinal issues. It has a slippery texture and is used in vaccines as an emulsifier (like Polysorbate 80) and a carrier.


Sorbitol also serves as a preservative. It is a known skin and sense organ toxin.


Sorbitol is a suspected carcinogen and is verified as a cancer agent in animals.


Diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy may be related to excess sorbitol in the cells of the eyes and nerves, leading to blindness.


Sorbitol is also a gastrointestinal and liver toxicant.


Why would any sensible, logical thinking human agree to having a synthetic carcinogen injected into their muscle tissue in the name of infectious disease immunity?


If people just read the vaccine insert that must be made available by doctors and nurses when prompted, most everyone would say NO! to today's vaccines.







#6. Why did more than 20,000 doctors recommend cigarettes, touting their favorite brands in the medical journal ads of JAMA in the early-to-mid 1900's?


"More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette" was the headline of a full-page ad carried by the Journal of the American Medical Association.


Mike Adams, Editor of Natural News, writes: "Doctors were paid by Big Tobacco to tout the amazing health benefits of smoking cigarettes, and any doctor who dared point out that smoking might be linked to cancer was subjected to the same industry blackballing, scientific censorship and verbal abuse that's leveled today against honest researchers questioning the safety of GMOs or mercury in vaccines."

Condoning cigarettes was just the beginning big wave of SCIENTIFIC QUACKERY in the United States of America, and started less than 100 years ago.


Science is for sale and rewritten by corporate interests.

Peer-reviewed science journals are but a twisted collection of corporate-funded make-believe science tabloids.


"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published."





#5. Why is human albumin put in flu shots and is it cannibalism to be injected with another human's protein plasma and some aborted fetal lung cells?


You've heard of mad cow disease that comes from cows eating other cow's brains and spinal cords that are infected. Maybe you've heard of "mad human disease" better known as autism spectrum disorder. This comes from kids being injected with mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and wait for it .... aborted fetal lung cells.


Vaccine spectrum disorder (VSD) is the disorder children get from receiving too many vaccines too close together, many of which are combinations of viruses, bacteria and toxic adjuvants.

The vaccine schedule is leading to a broad array of disorders and 'spectrum' is just a pharma buzz word to keep the public from staring right at the REAL problem.

One cannot conjure up immunity by injecting toxins. Period. The allopathic world has gone completely insane, and they push it on anti-vaxxers like some new fanatical religion.

Today, DNA is altered in labs and mixed with bacteria, live viruses, human albumin and chemicals used to embalm dead people before being injected up to 30 times into children before they reach the age of seven.

The medical industrial complex calls it a wide "spectrum" disorder so that it can be treated with drugs (more chemicals) that will never heal the child and will, most likely, create more health detriments. Don't inject humans with human cells! 





#4. Why do SO FEW REALIZE that "GMO" means scientists figured out how to infuse pesticide genes inside seeds so that plants grow immune to certain poisonous, chemical applications?


What if a scientist took a miniscule amount of venom from a poisonous snake and put it in apples so no worms would eat the apples, and then put those apples up for SALE at Walmart and Kmart? The sign could say, "New healthy "V" apples on sale in bulk!"


Say it wasn't enough venom to kill the consumers, but just enough that they went crazy a few weeks after eating half a bag of "V" apples - - would that be considered a break-through in science and agriculture? Hey, less worms, more apple sales, right?


Now, should all the crazy apple eaters refer to the people who refuse to eat the venom-apples as "anti-science?"


Do the "anti-apple" folk now live in denial, because they don't want toxic organisms that kill worms infused into their DNA? You are what you eat, remember.


Biotechnology is not some proud scientific accomplishment like when NASA finds new planets or solar systems. GMO means pesticide-food, and you better believe the animals being tested that are eating it regularly are dying!


Do you know what else RoundUp kills besides weeds, my friends? Time to take a look.






#3. More than 90% of people are allergic in some way to the genetically modified ingredients in gluten, but only 1% of Americans are diagnosed with Celiac; why?


Are you still trying to defend bleach as food? Are you still wondering why you don't feel good after big meals?


Are you still wondering why you're not "regular" in the bathroom? Wonder no more.


Sticky toxic food glue is not called Celiac. The inability to excrete food within 24 hours leaves humans becoming infected with toxic food, of any kind.


If you eat a bunch of gluten, say half a pizza or a 12-inch sub sandwich, you could eat organic after that and it won't matter.


Once that organic food gets stuck behind the gluten, your digestive tract and intestines become toxic dumping grounds.


Are you allergic to carcinogens? Most people are. Don't be stupid. Put down the cancer-causing agents and step away from the corporate aisles, sir and ma'am!








2. Did you know that gelatin is made by reducing (non-meat) animal parts from cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys - - including hides, hooves, cartilage and muscle tissue?


For decades now, gelatin has come from abused, hormone-fed, antibiotic-injected, sick, dying and disease-laden animals.


Gelatin comes from the skin, cartilage, connective tissues, decaying hides, and the bones of those animals.


World wide production of gelatin exceeds 300,000 tons per year.


Vegetarian or not, everyone who takes vitamins and supplements from gelatin capsules is likely eating infected animal parts, a little bit at a time.


Most fruit bits in corporate favorite cereals are NOT fruit at all - but gelatin with toxic petrochemical food dyes. Add in GMO high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and you've got a gummy toxic health nightmare.


Do you or your kids eat gummy bears or gummy worms? What about jelly beans? Have you met your child’s recommended daily allowance of cancer causing agents! The FDA wants you to be in the dark about all of this.

Junk science is exposed in the Natural News Forensic Food Lab. Learn more about gelatin, toxic food colorings, heavy metal toxins in cereals and the leftover CAFO food that's sweeping America.






And the #1 Toxic Food Mystery Question ...


What's the "Trojan Horse" of the Cancer Industrial Complex?


Since they taste sweet, artificial sweeteners sneak into your cells and are one of the biggest contributors to cancer, because they trick your cleansing organs into processing them.


How much aspartame, sucralose, saccharine and sorbitol do you consume daily? What's your poison, literally - Equal, Sweet-n-Low or Splenda?


Over 70 percent of reported cases of fibromyalgia, chronic depression, IBS and acid reflux are caused by consuming chemical agents.

Cancer may be the distant, long term result of consuming chemicals, but Artificial Sweetener Disease, ASD, is the short term consequence. Throw away your sugar free gum and candy, and then trash all foods and drinks you have that are labeled "light" and "zero."


Filter out all artificial sweeteners from your products, including aspartame, sucralose, sorbitol, acesulfame-k, aspartic acid, amino-sweet and saccharine.

As an alternative to poisoning yourself, try Xylitol or Stevia in order to cut calories, or simply eat more organic vegetables and use organic honey and organic authentic maple syrup.


If problems persist, take a list of everything you ate this week to your Naturopath or Nutritionist to analyze.


If you're getting sick from moldy bread, don't look for a prescription drug to cure you, just stop eating moldy bread.

There is no prescription drug, and there never will be one, that cures the problems that artificial sweeteners create




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