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Easiest way to end cigarette addiction is END cravings naturally

Got DEPRESSION or anxiety? Try supplementing with Mucuna Pruriens to raise your natural dopamine levels

More than 40 million adults suffer from depression and anxiety disorders – the two most common mental illnesses in America. That’s nearly 20 percent of the population. It’s not uncommon for someone who suffers from depression to also suffer from anxiety, and vice versa. There are natural remedies that are proven by science to help with these conditions – like Mucuna. Ever heard of it? Probably not. Of course, medical doctors blame genetics for depression and anxiety, having no clue that most conventional food contains pesticides(and way more than you probably think) that can have detrimental effects on the brain and central nervous system.

Nearly 50 million Americans are ADDICTED TO CIGARETTES, and they too suffer from anxiety, depression, nervousness, angst, sleeplessness, loss of libido, loss of proper blood flow, arthritis, chronic inflammation, osteoporosis, dementia, and the list goes on. 

Liquid mucuna, mixed with Vitamins C and E to fight lung cancer, order here!

Then there is aspartame, the artificial sweetener made from the feces of E. coli. Aspartame is a synthetic, laboratory concocted, genetically modified, sugar-replacement nightmare that causes depression and anxiety, not to mention irritable moods, migraines and insomnia. How does aspartame screw up the central nervous system (CNS) so drastically? It elevates aspartic acid and phenylalanine in the brain, preventing the synthesis and release of neurotransmitters, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. In other words, aspartame creates chemical stress for the brain. Consume it on an empty stomach and it’s even more toxic.
Still, the pill pushing medical quacks will push those SSRIs and heroin-based opiate pills, adding to the depression and anxiety with more chemicals, horrific side effects, and absolutely no advice or guidance for addressing the root of the problem. Welcome to America, home of chronic sick care, where every medical patient is recommended to take chemical and experimental prescriptions so they will become a “patient for life.” 

Liquid mucuna, mixed with Vitamins C and E to fight lung cancer, order here!

You don’t have to be a cigarette smoker to royally screw up your dopamine and serotonin production

Even if you’re not a smoker, you need to understand this. The chemistry in a smoker’s brain changes in response to the intense levels of nicotine delivered by ammonia-laced tobacco. The pesticides in the cigarettes cause an intolerable “cigarette hangover” for which there is only one type of temporary relief – another nicotine-loaded cigarette. The nicotine artificially activates receptors in the brain that release a “feel good” brain chemical called dopamine.
That’s the addiction, and over the years, the smoker’s body produces less and less dopamine naturally, waiting for the nicotine “assist” like a crutch every time. Without the nicotine, depression and anxiety kick into full gear. What’s a smoker to do but light up a new one the second stress hits.

Okay non-smokers, now consider this: Genetically modified organisms in foods (GMOs) and most conventional produce is laced with bug-killing and weed-killing chemicals that impede the normal chemistry of the human CNS. Mountains of research reveal that chemical herbicides and pesticides contribute to severe, long-standing nervous system dysfunction.
The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord, so neurobehavorial disorders can include cognitive decline, chronic fatigue, PTSD, anxiety, depression and suicide.

Mucuna Pruriens is an amazing natural Indian herb scientifically proven to help with depression and dementia

Ever heard of dopabean, cowitch, sea beans, or velvet beans? They’re all names for the same herbal adaptogen Mucuna Pruriens, which contains a natural compound called L-Dopa – the precursor to the human neurotransmitter dopamine. This amazing “superfood” works to stimulate the pituitary gland to increase it’s production, without nicotine, chemicals or prescription medications. There are no side effects from this natural supplement. The uses for Mucuna are multi-faceted, including increased libido, increased fertility, leaner muscle mass, reduced aging, increased bone density, and boosted energy levels.

The L-Dopa from Mucuna is also safe and more effective at controlling Parkinson’s disease than pharmaceutical drugs like Carbidopa and Levodopa. Why? Mucuna is simply food and is NOT processed in a laboratory with dangerous chemical constituents, like just about every prescription drug in America.

As always, check with a naturopathic physician first if you’re using Mucuna Pruriens to treat depression or anxiety, and avoid it if you’re pregnant or suffering from diabetes (it can lower blood sugar). Most people enjoy 15 to 30 grams a day as a safe and effective amount of Mucuna. Let thy food be thy medicine!

Liquid mucuna, mixed with Vitamins C and E to fight lung cancer, order here!

Liquid mucuna, mixed with Vitamins C and E to fight lung cancer, order here!

Sources for this article include:


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