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Nicotine’s “Kryptonite” – A beautiful, velvety bean that grows in tropical climates

You probably remember “Kryptonite” from the Superman movies. It was that greenish-hued crystal that drains Superman’s powers, while being harmless to humans. Now think of how powerful the nicotine addiction is, well that is, until it “meets” mucuna pruriens, an amazing bean that grows on planet Earth, that actually drains the power of the addiction, by raising dopamine levels safely for humans. Kryptonite may be fictional, but mucuna is not fictional. It’s real. It grows naturally in tropical climates, like in India and Brazil. Then it’s harvested and sold in supplements.

The mucuna plant has thin, long branches with large green leaves, and the stems blossom white flowers and exotic, purple, pod-shaped, 4-inch-long legumes. The fuzzy purple coating is not consumed, but the bean, the leaves and the roots are used as natural remedies and come with a laundry list of health benefits, that are now backed by peer-reviewed science, medical research and clinical studies.

A peer-reviewed study published by the National Institutes of Health proves mucuna helps raise dopamine levels safely, even for Parkinson’s patients, who notoriously suffer from low dopamine levels. Plus, in a clinical study done with smokers and published in the Biological Psychiatry Journal, researchers discovered low dopamine levels are the main reason smokers relapse when they’re trying to quit. The study was conducted at Baylor Medical College in Texas.

The exotic superfood that’s supernatural in its effectiveness

You may not have heard of it in America, land of the chemical prescription drugs that have worse side effects than the conditions being treated, but Mucuna pruriens is an established herbal drug used for the management of nervous disorders, and even as an aphrodisiac.
Mucuna has been used for millennia by the ancient Ayurveda Indian medical system. Traditionally used to treat Parkinson’s disease, mucuna has been shown to have neuroprotective effects, which may be related to its anti-oxidant activity.

Did you know you get a boost of dopamine when you: cook your favorite meals, listen to your favorite songs, exercise, meditate, pet your pet, laugh, kiss, have sex, take probiotics, manage stress, and get a massage? It’s true. Certain glands in your body produce natural “chemicals” (hormones) that travel as “good mood messengers” through your bloodstream.

Mucuna catapults your natural feel-good hormone production safely, without nicotine
Like happiness and pleasure, without a health “price to pay” for it? You need healthy dopamine production. If you’re a smoker, someone who vapes, or if you still “dip” or chew tobacco, you probably need a healthy boost from a natural source, until you can quit nicotine and your normal levels come back up.

Care to boost your memory, focus, motor skills, sleep, digestion, learning ability and kick nicotine cravings all the while? A supplement beverage that just came out in 2020 mixes mucuna with central-nervous-system-balancing vitamin B-12. This supplement beverage liquid “shot” called Krave Kicker gives nicotine dependents a break from the crutch while supplementing dopamine production naturally and providing balance and focus.

There are 35 million smokers in the United States, and about 10 million people who vape. Every single person who uses nicotine, over time, suffers from constricted blood vessels, which can starve your extremities of oxygen. Ever play sports with someone who smokes or vapes? They often start sucking wind a lot earlier and quit. That’s the lack of oxygen and nutrition in their bodies talking. It may be time to take that break (forever) from nicotine. Look for natural remedies that are proven to help.

Check out some of the dumbest things people are doing to wreck their health during the coronavirus Covid19 pandemic. You’ll find easy ways to break bad habits and replace them by replenishing your nutrient base. Tune your internet dial to for dozens of ways you can prevent, fight and beat cancer naturally.

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